Created By: iTz Rocker And Phobiak x This is a remake of my friends map. Umm The whole point is to kill. The Map is Symetrical (i think thats how you spell it...) And The Reason we made this map is because the original was really bad!!! and because one day we were just bored. And 1 more think ... this map is like anti MLG {it has every wep} Here Are Some Pics: Spawn There Are 2 Of them but i only took a pic of 1: The Middle: "B Side" Entrance To Snipe Tower: Links: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing And here is one more link to the original map if you want to see it. But let me warn you that you are kinda waisting your time: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
needs better description, and i can't tell much from pics. looks ok, but if i knew more about it, i could rank it.
I Would Put More Pics But Thats Really All The Map Is ... You Just Run Out Of Your Base And Kill People
Sorry, but I don't see any interlocking and it just doesn't look like it was made by an experienced forger. It looks like a bunch of boxes with bridges and turrets. 2/5 =(
It does have interlocking ... the walls down the middle are all interlocked and some things in the bases are too ... and ill get more pics
not much too say, i don't like that you have every equipment availible when you spawn, and with these small "bases" spawn killing could be an issue
Try looking up the Forging 101 section at the mainpage, that will explain some advanced Forging techniques. As far as the map now, I think that the idea has some potential, but the map itself looks a bit sloppy Forged, some parts looks really open, so I suggest making an V2.