The old game of Monster Trucks Assasination/Splatter/or Run of Cliff Kills Only! Because Your Invincable Only to be Used on the gametype Monster Trucks 2 Gametype :: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Map :: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Pics :: Overview Sword Spawns Enjoy the Map and Post a good Comment!
so wut r u going to do if they kill someone with another weapon. thats a flaw. people don't abide by the honor rule
Obviously they are invincible, but since assassinations ignore even invincibility, the only ways to kill are the ones he listed.
its been done, it looks exactly the same as the 100 ive seen, this is old. it looks like you took someone elses map and maybe changed a few minor unnoticable things and called it your own, but thats what I see. just the other 100 maps, in the SAME PLACE with the SAME OBJECTS for blocking doesnt always mean you took it, just looks a lot like you did.... the bridges, teleporters, ive seen a map with those placed in the same spot. And anyways rats nest is bad for trucks, one ledge is boring, make a floating cage off avalance or something instead.
Well realy, I don't care. I just wanted to do this. I know its not Original but still, i'm changing it up a little. This is V1
well the map isnt really different from any others. mix it up, and not by putting a sword in the middle, because it doesnt even look like you made the level, just looks like you took someone elses map and put a sword in. thats why you should care if its unoriginal, because if it isnt more people like me will come in and think that you just stole another map. sorry to say this, but my friend always makes me play trucks on rats nest and he has like 4 that look EXACTLY like yours, and I mean exactly like the bridges dont look like they were placed an inch away from how you put it. and a V2? truck levels dont really even take a v2, truck levels are only platforms near or off a cliff, they barely ever need re-editing, unless it is really important Sorry again for the negativity, but someone has to tell you
I've made a Monster Jam 2.0 Map, its on Avalanche. It's so much cleaner than and somewhat larger than the one on Standoff. I highly recommend it to fans of that gametype. I hope it becomes the new standard for Monster Truck Games.
Dude i created a map like this a few months ago, so basically you stole this and mine had the exact same name