Envy Racers is a race track and it is my first completed and posted race map. Please don't critise too much but, some is appreceated. Me and my friend thought it was fun and I hope you do too. The dumpster moves back and forth every 20seconds or so,this is why it "changes tracks". Map: Envy Racers GameType:RaceTracks Pictures: Starting Gate 20Seconds After Side A Bank A Cheat Proof Finish Line Side B Bank B OverView..Yes I know its small...
A very unique beggining, Its simple yet I have never seen one like that... If you could replace the barriers with walls then mabye the small size would not have bothered me.
I like the idea of your starting gate and how you made a race track with switching tracks. I never seen that utilized in a racing map before. Although it is a small race map, it has great features in it. 4/5
god it is a really nice idea a small race but then it is a big one you wouldn't get bored of this quickly really nice job on the map
I love the beginning and the switching dumpster! 4/5... Small means nothing, it's the entertainment that matters.
love the banked turn, but make a bigger (and better) race track next time. The beginning is really a cool idea. 3/5
Hmm. I like your idea of the dumpster's job, but it seems like you just stopped when you got to the turn. You could have made it go longer, but good map anyway. 3.5/5
yay fluffy! awsome map aright i love the use of a switch in a racing map nice interlocking and banked turns ima dl when i get my xbox back how exactly get out of the starting gate? and instead of using barriers ya might try to interlock fencewalls halfway through to creat that barrier cuz the normal ones can be moved
Wow, originality forgegasm! I've never seen anything close to a changing track, and if you replaced the barriers with walls, you'd get a 5/5 from me! Too bad it's so small though. I can imagine a funny moment when someone gets pushed into a wall by the dumpster and sticks there.
i like it how it changes like that but it would be funny if somebody was going for that side and was suddenly blocked off by a dumpster i would laugh so hard
pretty origininal start, but i dont like the barriers as walls. i think you could put actual walls, and for a race you would have to play like 8 laps.
I think this looks like a great map, but for some reason I really don't like the look of the barriers. Could you replace them with something?
i also like the starting gate, way to stop the cheaters! =P it looks fairly small though, is it only that one bank and thats it? but anyways it looks good! 4/5
this is ver unique, not many people have a track that changes. i would suggest finding a way to make the barriers immobile, because it will definently get messed up if someone doesn't make the turn
Yes technically it is one bank. Other thank that thanks for all the good comments so far and also I am not fixing th barriers insted I am making a new map.