Checkpoint It doesn't get much more real-world than this... based on an actual location in Iraq -Download link retired. Available by request (PM) Description: This is a mock-up of a fortification I worked at for a bit during my Army days in Mosul, Iraq. The pictures were all taken in December 2004. It was basically a checkpoint leading to my unit's flight line (I was in an aviation unit) to keep strangers away from our helicopters. Me posting these pictures may actually be considered an OPSEC violation but I'm sure this place doesn't look anything like it did 3 years ago, and I'm out now anyway, so what can they do to me? As a playable map, it works well with every gametype. Use ONE BOMB for a realistic scenario to go along with the realistic location. Basically the attackers must breach the checkpoint in order to plant the bomb. Enjoy! Real-world comparisons In the shack On the container Yep... that's me right there Enterance view rear view of bomb plant location Actually, the locaton of this can be seen pretty well in Google Earth...... Checkpoint was my entry for the Shell Shocked Contest. It didn't win, but oh well. -Download link retired. Available by request (PM)
Re: Checkpoint.... based on a real location in Iraq I applaud you for being in the military. Would this be a "Aesthetic Mini-map"? Because it doesn't work with any gametypes, but looks nice. We have something for that at FH. It's called a mason. Masons can make forge things, but not necessarily make them work. If this applies to you, apply to be a mason.
Re: Checkpoint.... based on a real location in Iraq Its an aesthetic map, but also playable. I think its great, and the comparison pics are pretty cool.. I think this is actually a pretty good map.. Looks sorta balanced, and I wanna playtest this with you some time. I disagree, this, for a first map, isn't bad at all. I think this is one of the best first posts I've ever seen.
Re: Checkpoint.... based on a real location in Iraq And I applaud you for coming home in one piece. Nice job on the map; I bet it was pretty cathartic to build.
Re: Checkpoint.... based on a real location in Iraq Nice remake. I imagine it would be pretty hard to make a real life place in forge, even with foundry.
Re: Checkpoint.... based on a real location in Iraq No, I could definitely see this being playable. One Bomb, maybe, or One VIP, or One Flag, or Infection. Yeah, that last one is a bit random, I suppose. The funny thing is, I was just dreaming of making an desert outpost location map, because I had been watching a movie last night. It had to do with giant alien transforming robots.
Re: Checkpoint.... based on a real location in Iraq This looks really neat. It would be a really realistic experience.
I believe this belongs more in the Aesthetic maps but this is a great remake from the screenshots you provided. Nicely done and thank you for serving our country.
Nice job, being in the military. I agree, I think this should be in Aesthetic because it's base on a real place and doesn't work with any games.
It's for use with the One Bomb gametype. The attackers have to break through the checkpoint. Also, let me just clear something up (no big deal, but this has come up more than once). When I origionally posted this way back when, the forum wasn't divided into categories like it is now. Checkpoint was put in Casual Maps when they implemented them by a moderator, not by me.
This map has been scrubbed and polished for the contest. I fixed lots of small cosmetic stuff. You probably won't be able to tell much differance unless you took a thorough look at the origional, but it really has been greatly improved. All gametypes are now supported. -edit double post = unintentional (sorry!)
good job love the remakes of the real life pictures, i was planning on dooing something like this, you did it perfectly also nice work man thanks for beeing in the army 5/5 dl'ed and qued!