A new map I made using my coffin ideas. Three viewing rooms, autopsy table, chemical storage, lounge area, cold storage, upstairs storage. Upstairs storage is unaccesible until after three minutes. Any humans left can take the stairs that appear and make there final stand. Weapons are sprawled all over, but are few and far between. Also, the DO NOT respawn, except for one grenade. Use ammo wisely. Please let me know of any corrections that need to be made, or anything else that needs to be addressed. To be played with my Dead Rising Game Variant A new version has been posted correcting spawning issues. Download Map Download Gametype [img width=800 height=600]http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh224/duff0403/20130111-Full.jpg[/img] [img width=800 height=600]http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh224/duff0403/20130090-Full.jpg[/img] [img width=800 height=600]http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh224/duff0403/20130073-Full.jpg[/img] [img width=800 height=600]http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh224/duff0403/20130072-Full.jpg[/img] [img width=800 height=600]http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh224/duff0403/20130033-Full.jpg[/img]
Re: Home Of The Dead (Nothing To Do With The Old Rail Shooter) Awesome, I saw your previous one with just coffins and i loved the idea. And now that you've spread out the gameplay a bit, it will make for an even more fun time.
Re: Home Of The Dead (Nothing To Do With The Old Rail Shooter) Thnx. Like I said there are probably some kinks that need to be worked on. Such as I recently discovered there are some spawning issues. I'm gonna work them out tonite.
Re: Home Of The Dead (Nothing To Do With The Old Rail Shooter) Ow. My neck hurts from your text in your pictures. Don't put stuff like that sideways, put it below the picture.
Re: Home Of The Dead (Nothing To Do With The Old Rail Shooter) Thnx Guys. Just so everyone knows I put up a fixed verision. Spawning is fixed and now the "coffins" that were horizontal are now vertical, because of spawning issues.
Re: Home Of The Dead (Nothing To Do With The Old Rail Shooter) nice screenshots makes it look awsome btw the coffins are sweet.
Re: Home Of The Dead (Nothing To Do With The Old Rail Shooter) danke everyone. right now i'm working on a multi ctf, assault map. the framework is almost done. i think everyone will appreciate it.
Re: Home Of The Dead (Nothing To Do With The Old Rail Shooter) I like the way you placed the weapons, it origanal. Besides for breaking all of our necks, I think you made a good map.
Nice! I just posted in your first thread... Ya, at first I thought spawning horizontally would be cool, but then im like: Wait a second! You spawn standing up! Now that youve fixed that, coolest/ most origional infection idea ive seen. Kepp up the good work!
thanks. I'm about to work on a map that has inspirations from Facility on GoldenEye 007. I would like to re-iterate, this is NOT a remake, just a map with inspirations.
Re: Home Of The Dead (Nothing To Do With The Old Rail Shooter) LOL. I feel the same way, I just saw a chinese massage place down the street so I think that will help. I like the concept on this map and I tried doing the same thing on sandtrap but you did it much nicer. I will be playing this one for a while.
Thnx. Like I said I don't think this map is all the it could be. So after I'm done with my current map, I'm going to go back and make another attempt.