Could people PLEASE stop doing rain animations? It's really old/lame now and just looks bad cause it's slapped onto any random sig, even if it won't fit. Cheers.
wtf w/e man i still gona use rain u cantt stop me Haha, I personally don't like rain that much, but if people request it in my graphics thread, I'm happy to do it for them. Half of the requests I fulfill do not look good to my eyes when they're done. I just satisfy the customer.
I have to take Ravn side on this one, I really just have to do whatever people want, even though it eats at me inside when I have to slap the rain on it...
I'm not taking sides but, looking at Boydy's sig shop, all of their sigs have rain on it? Now I don't know if they've requested it, but, bleugh. Anyway I agree Razn, you just satisfy the customer, I ran a sig shop ages ago and half the signatures I made I thought were crap but the users loved them. =D
Is someone jealous they can't make rain sigs? Poor thing. No, I'm just messing with you. But, like, if they want Rain sigs, I think they're gonna ask for them anyhow. They're not stopping because they told you to. But want to know something? I don't like 'em either, but we can't make people just stop making them, and putting them on their sigs. It's a conclusion that they're going to have to come up with by themselves.