
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by c74yt0, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. c74yt0

    c74yt0 Ancient
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    Abandoned after a deadly viral outbreak, this telecommunication center was once home to many people. 2-5 players

    Created by: c74yt0

    Deserted is a relatively small map perfect for small parties of 5 or 6. 2 vs 2 is ideal and 4 person FFA also works very well. The map is fully enclosed and is exactly symmetrical on both sides with visual differences so you can distinct both sides. There are many ways to get around the level from one base to another. The bottom part, which is shaped like an "L" is the quickest way but also the most dangerous. The top offers more alternatives to get around. Ways to get to the top, you can take a grav lift, which is located at the end of the hall or at the "joint" of the level, the stairs (one at each base), or the back entrance where the dumpster is located.

    Techniques Used:
    Interlocking Objects: Yes
    Unlimited Money Glitch: Yes
    Merge with Map Geometry: Yes

    Weapon Set:
    Gravitly Hammer (1) 180 sec
    Shotgun (1) (no spare clip) 180 sec
    Battle Rifle (4) 30 sec
    Carbine (2) 30 sec
    Plasma Rifle (2) 30 sec
    Plasma Pistol (2) 30 sec
    Needler (2) 120 sec
    SMG (2) 30 sec
    Spiker (2) 30 sec

    Power Drain (1) 150 sec
    Bubble Shield (1) 120 sec
    Frag (4) 10 sec
    Plasma (6) 10 sec

    Warthog (cosmetic)

    Game types supported:

    A few suggestions:
    2 vs 2 Slayer
    4 person FFA
    FFA Oddball
    2 vs 2 CTF












  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    **** me this looks like a brilliant map. Download and more comments to come.
  3. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this reminds me of gauridans the map don't know why but it does it is a realy nice map either way thought really well forged
  4. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    10/10 a very good map hay do you think it is easy to create a small map than a big one
  5. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    this is nice it looks like you put alot of time into this i will down load this map
  6. c74yt0

    c74yt0 Ancient
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    Making bigger maps lets you utilize all of Foundry, so IMO, bigger maps are easier.

    Thanks for the comments everyone
  7. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    I'm dissapointed that this dropped off of the first page, as this is a great map.
    The one flaw I can point out after playing a few games on it is that the grav hammer, and shotgun get annoying because a lot of the game seems to be waiting around corners and bouncing grenades, it can get a bit repetive.
    One way you could fix this would be by making it more open, i.e. trying to avoid corners and turns that are 180' (for example when you go up the stairs in one area, and there is a wall to your right, and some one can wait on the other side and get you as you come out) You should expermiment with this.
  8. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    i like it in most general aspects, but to me, it seems very derived from Cold Storage... at least in some major aspects. my favorite part of the map would have to be the fencewall lift. it looks pretty awesome. ive seen it before, but i love it everytime i see it.
  9. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Or turn the spawn times on those way up and limit their ammo.
  10. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok umm why does it say under everyone's name that "_ needs status nao!"?

    EDIT: WTF? It is gone! I swear to god it say (Insert name) needs status nao!
  11. c74yt0

    c74yt0 Ancient
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    Thanks for the feedback. I've had may different variations of the map, but this one seemed to flow the best. At one point there was a sword on the map along with the shotgun, I think you know what that must of been like. I have found many ways to defeat the shotgun/grav-hammer wielder around those corners, but of course it is my map, haha. But my next map wont be as small and not symmetrical with few corners.

    Funny you say that, it (Chill Out) was my inspiration. The fence wall lift is also my favorite.
  12. the beefeater

    the beefeater Ancient
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    Brilliant map, looks like an absolute ton of fun to play on. Looking at the grav hammer/shottie situation and reading your post /\ /\ ill take your word for it and give it a go. Looks like its inspired by Chilly, but is in no way a copy of it.

    Great work, 5/5.

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