
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Squiiddish, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Created by Squiiddish

    Supported Gametypes:
    Everything under the sun. CLAUSTROPHOBIA can handle Slayer, CTF, KotH, Oddball, Assault, Territories, Jeggernaut, Infection, VIP, EVERYTHING. If it's in Bungie's default list of gametypes, it can be played here.

    CLAUSTROPHOBIA is a medium-sized map that uses the central area of Foundry. The map is split roughly into four quadrants: two bases and two construction zones. The map is symmetrical, however Asymmetrical gametypes are supported, and will only utilize half the map (quite literally, half the map disappears in asymmetrical gametypes, and a huge wall splits the map in two)
    A large catwalk system rings around the upper half of the map. Is contains virtually no cover, but is an amazingly advantageous vantage point over the entire map. From up here, you can drop down into either base of construction site. The entrances to the catwalks are set inside open single boxes in either construction site (Pictures in a sec)
    The centerpiece of this whole map is the fence box capsule floating over the middle. The all-important Rockets are contained within, and it also serves as a quick way to cross from one side of the map to the other. It can only be accessed from the catwalks.

    General map overview

    Base Exterior

    Base Interior

    The catwalks that ring the map

    That's the top of a teleporter leading to the catwalks. The box is geomerged so it isn't as tall, and there's like, 4 ways on top of it. Two are pictured.

    Sword and Rocket spawn. This is the center of the map; that's the bottom of the fence box capsule. The Rockets are contained within.

    The shotgun is inside the geomerged box. An identical structure across the map boasts the Overshield.

    The back of a construction site. The Bruteshot is on the pallet, and the Grav Lift is behind the crate.

    Our good friend EE Snutch is on a sword swingin' rampage. He doesn't get dropped for awhile...

    Controlling the catwalks leads to ownage like this...

    ...or better yet, this!

    Bulltrue! (For the record, I decided to finally post Screens of me owning. I'm the red guy in the last two pics)

    Nobody likes neutral beatdowns. They're lame!

    Very similar to one of my pics on Castle Siege, except this time is isn't me. And there's less explosion =P

    On this map, teamwork=own
    But then again, that's basically true for all maps...

    Battle Rifle x 6
    Shotgun x 2
    Brute shot x 2
    Needler x 2
    Sniper Rifle x 2
    Energy Sword x 1
    Rocket Launcher x 1
    SMG x 4
    Frag Grenade x 14
    Plasma Grenade x 4
    Spike Grenade x 8
    Bubble shield x 2
    Dep. Cover x 2
    Power Drain x 2
    Grav Lift x 2

    Battle Rifle x 2
    Sniper Rifle x 1
    Spartan Laser x 1
    (added to map)

    Thanks go out to my clan, Epsilon Eridani, for helping test this map. They helped me play through almost every single gametype XD
    This is my third map on ForgeHub, and my first that isn't a minigame. So, as always, comments, criticism, and tips are all highly appreciated. Before everyone goes off about this, I know that it's possible to get out of the map, especially on gametypes like Infection where reduced gravity is involved. However, once you escape, the only thing you're gonna find are two fusion coils way in the back for you to kill yourself with. Gratz, you got off the map and handicapped your team by 1 player. Go kill yourself.
    Please DL and rate, I look forward to your comments!

    And Finally, before your link, I leave you with the ritualistic mating dance of the rare Choas Sniper 35:
    in the corner of my map.

  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    cool map, if you had flipped the bridges, it would have been that much better. still, nice. 4/5
  3. xbrokenxangelx

    xbrokenxangelx Ancient
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    hmm looks really good but this name is used too often
  4. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    I chose not to flip the bridges. I did in my other maps (look at Castle Siege), but I got them interlocked well enough that I think it looks pretty good with the bridges right side up.

    I don't want my whole game completely flat XD
  5. PingPongLegend

    PingPongLegend Ancient
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    haha i really like how the map gets cut in half for asymmetric innovative
  6. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    the asthetics, interlocking and geomerging are all prime
    i would ask to flip the bridges but you seem to not want to do that lol....
    aslo make the shield door singles instead of doubles to lessen camapge
  7. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Lol at least you read all the posts before you comment =D

    There's really no reason to flip the brdiges if it looks all clean and shiny right side-up lol
  8. The Juice Guy

    The Juice Guy Ancient
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    it looks good but what does the map have to do with having a fear of small dark spaces
  9. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this mlooks like a cool map it could play really well very good job on it
  10. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    It is a good map but its a little too open from the pics and I can see that there is a sniper rifle and Shield door :EDIT: BECAUSE people would come running for the guy behind the shield door and if he had a sniper he could aim for the head come out from behind the shield door and BANG! HEADSHOT! & No Scope. You should make a V2. P.S The reason I know is because I do Behind shield doors and bubble shields and so does everyone else Im afraid. Im Not Incouraging you Im just recommending it too you.


    II Predator V2 II

    Coming Soon!
  11. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Wait the snipers would camp behind the shield doors is what your saying? I've never had a problem with that when we were testing it. The only thing that hapened around the shield doors was the sword guy camping. However, he was pretty easy to... ahem... remove, with either a shotty or the rockets, or just a good ol' Needler.

    How would a sniper camp in the shield doors? He'd be completely exposed from behind (not disclaiming your feedback, I'm just wondering. This sounds like useful knowledge to have when I forge my next Competitive map)

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