I was messing around in a local game with my weapons lowered when I noticed strange things going on with my SMGs. The Pinpoint The Hug The Cross Eyed Hope You enjoyed. Bungie Link
You just have to lower your weapon in a local game match and duel wielda nd just move your reticule around. I have a tutuorial on how to lower your weapon here.
The pin point one looks great! I love it! How do you do that one! I would love to mess around making screenshots with that! pm me =]
So this happens when I lower my SMG's? Awesome-sauce. Epic. 1337. Lol. I love the hug Screenshot, the first one looks like some stupid Recruit who is trying to aim...
i thought it was reloading, but i was WR0ngz, i like the lowering weapon thing, its just hard for me to do sometimes lol
That is tight! I like cross-eyed and pin point... Great pictures and I hope you come out with more with different weapons...
A little odd, I really don't see whats so special about this one, although still good job for making the post!