Ok, I have a problem. This is my first animation other than rain and I am wondering which sig I should enter in the SOTW 8 contest. Here are the two signatures. If anybody has suggestions for what I should change that would be great.
Uh, CaMOfo..whats up with the sig you posted...I read it and doen't understand why you posted it...is you try'n to advertise some'tin? Edit:: I have added a poll.
[sarcasm]Yeah ducke Im deffinetly trying to advertise something that isn't stated.[/sarcasm] The signature is accually making fun of all people that think rain looks cool or even think that it should be in a signature. Signature especially poking towards SkittleMeister0.
Y35 Im just poking fun, if anyone think these are offensive and can't handle the content of my signature please notify so I can take it off......
I think its kinda funny. Hes just joking around and at the same time protesting against an overused animation.
yeah i agree. its pretty funny if you ask me. the rain thing is overused, takes absolutely no skill to make, and doesn't actually add that much to most sigs. it may be taken as a personal insult, but shouldn't be offensive to anybody but skittlemeister. but thats only if he can't take the joke. as for your sigs, i think the rain is appropriate (for once) and the text is slower so i think #2 is better. but yes i am getting tired of rain. and animation in general. if you have animation, thats great, but if it takes away from the art of the picture, or if you use it instead of actually talented art, then its just stupid and, well, pointless. camofo most of your animations aren't stupid and usually actually add to the sig, rather than take away, probly because you start out with actually good art and then add to it. (btw, i like your cone pictures on your fileshare, i was jw why you had them)
You should use the rain. In some cases it is retarded and in others its ok. Its ok here. Also, what program are you pplz using to make these animations?
Hari if you're talking about making the rain effect you can basically created it in any program imaggined, I swear I made that same effect when I was playing Tetris.