Top 10 Forge Art Halo 3 Screenshots Hawty McBloggy Invites You to Play 10. Ghostbusters: Who You Gonna Cal 9. Guitar Hero 8. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 7. Rock On 6. Batman 5. Golden Dragon 4. Dark Magician 3. ET: Phone Home 2. Gargoyle: Creature of the Night 1. Alien: In space no one can hear you scream
Wow they all look great! I love the rock on! one and the Guitar hero one! They are all pretty epic! Great job! =]
All I can say is wow, those are some of the best i've seen! The ET one looks almost like the real one and the alien one is great! lol and I watched AVP a few days ago too.
The Golden Dragon is my favorite but they're all bad ass. Also, the Dark Magician is actually Dark MAgician Girl. I don't know why I still know that.
Wow those are all awesome pictures! I love the Guitar Hero one and the rock on one is pretty tight as well... Nice finds!
The Things we do with forge... well done, my favioret is the alien one, but the Et one cmose in a close second for me