I felt that all of the maps people are making are too similar to eachother, so this is my attempt at "forging outside of the box". This map has a full 1st level, a full 2nd level, and a partial 3rd level. The first level has a significant amount of cover, as well as custom powerup spawning bottom mid inside the first hill. The second level has multiple shooting lanes as well as cover. The third level is where sniper spawns along with the top hill. Hopefully I can get some people to play test this or just give me tips in general on how to improve this map. Weapons Battle Rifle - 8 (10 sec) Carbine - 3 (45 sec) Mauler - 2 (90 sec) Sniper - 1 (150 sec) Frag - 6 (30 sec) Plasma nade - 6 (30 sec) Powerups Custom Powerup - 1 (120 sec) ALL of the credit goes to matrixx 20j. I asked him for permission to post this on forgehub and he said yes. he didn't want to go through the trouble of signing up. So don't say "you are such a good mapmaker, killnon2!" Once again: ALL credit goes to matrixx 20j DL link: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
the map looks pretty cool from the pics, but ill download the map and play it and get back to you. i like the idea of two whole floors and even a third floor in places. all in all looks like a good map, kudos to your friend who made it. can we have a link to download it please, cheers =) ok, got a few things to say, i love the whole layer thing and its all done very neatly, however, the bottom layer was a bit open so mabye your friend (or you) could add a few more things to the bottom. the second layer was very good and neatly done and the platform in the middle that you have to jump to was really good, but mabye try putting a more powerful weapon on it and make it harder to get to. the third layer was definatly the best, although i couldn't get any real use out of the sniper, so try changing it. i think that this map would work really well on a free for all and even better on free for all swords, now that would be truly awsome. so all in all a good map, with a few tiny, easily fixed, flaws. 3.5/5 =)
this is a cool map. the design is well made and the asetics are very nice too. i like that screenshot of the blue team capturing the territories. (i think its territories.)
this maps really cool, nice layout, aesthenics are pretty good. looks really good for king of the hill, or territories. the color in the capping pic should be red, cas reds better
Yeah its mlg territories.... This is why the map section sucks. OT: If I clear out my hd I'll give this a dl because it looks like a unique layout which is always a plus for an mlg map.