MAP: Lock n' Load LOCK N' LOAD! Keep this map alive and bump! Or just comment! A competitive map made for all team slayer fans. It's also compatible with Capture the Flag (first to five). Designed for 6 to 12 players, this map has several eye pleasing forge tricks used. It was edited over a period of a month. Total input time put into this would probably be around 15 to 20 hours. Here are some pictures you guys and girls can feast your eyes on. Yes people, this is my first map I have posted here, and there is another one coming to storm the forums soon, so watch out MLG lovers! Enjoy the map! Specs: (Weapons, Equipment, etc.) Coming soon! Weapons: Assault Rifles- Two Battle Rifles- Five Shotguns- One (0 extra clips) Sniper rifles- Two (1 extra clip) SMGs- Four Plasma Rifles- Two Brute Shots- Two Energy Swords- One Covenant Carbines- One Maulers- One Machine gun turrets- Two Equipment: Fragmentation Grenades- Eight Plasma Grenades- Eight Spike Grenades- Six FireBomb Grenades- Two Bubble Shields- Two Trip mines-Two Regens- Two Overshields-One Active Camo- One Vehicles: Mongooses- Two Picture Descriptions: Coming Soon! Download Here!
Wow. This map is great looking and posted right! The interlokcing on this map is amazing! Do you have any action shots of this?
A very nice multifloored map. This is pretty cool. I have a suggestion though. Edit the map so instead of shield doors try fusionh coils. I think that would be more fun since the overshield makes you invincable for about 3 seconds after you pic it up. The map right now does look pretty cool and well made though. I'll DL
Thanks and thanks, and no, I'm missing action shots Because I just completed the map. But in the first version, it played well. I take my time when forging!
pretty nice looking map, cool layout. interlocking where iyts used is nice, but i see some spots that could use some. 3.5/5
I don't see any. Maybe you are referring to the third level, but I was making this map back when I didn't know how to make objects float via save and quit. This is in fact Version two of my map.
DANG! how excellent maps can come out at once, i wont have any room!!! but seriously, good map. it looks like you really spent your time and really care about your maps. good job
The map is good, however, i think some things not interlocked, could have been interlocked to make it look nicer. It also needs a wee bit more cover that is tall enough to cover up your entire character. Barriers only cover the feet so I don't consider them essentially cover.
Yes, seeing as you are a respected user, I agree, barriers don't offer cover for the head, but they DO protect around 70% or so of the body and 95% if your ducking don't. The barriers are there for some protection, not much, but some. Like some as in a decent BR person might miss a precious shot to take down the shield, thus, the person escapes, and gets their shields recharged. But, in my MLG based map that I'm coming out with, I'm using The taller barriers for protection. So have no fear! I'm working on it soon!
Looks like a good map great for team slayer, what it could use is more interlocking so it looks nicer and cleaner. 4/5
The layout looks pretty good, I see that instead of just blocking off that area, what most people would do in this kind of, you just use it, I love how the barrels and the mongoose are there, like the barrels are some kind of nuclear waste.