wow buddy this has improved so much. put it on the testers forum so we can test it, and get you some action shots
I'm not a fan of 1v1's but however, I am a fan of neat, clan maps that make it look like your not in foundry and I think you did great with that, I will DL when I get the time
i played it, and you should make a v2 if you want to. fix the crooked interlocking of the outside boxes and the walls on top, maybe add a roof, and add more weapons.\ oh, and i would advise you to stop double posting, you will get an infraction. and you will also get spam infractions if you keep just saying "thanks" after every post, so stop that too.
dude i luv this map i was thinking about putting it on my 1v1 site the 1v1 source for people who want too have fun - 1v1--halo3