Help shape the MapDB

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by finalcuthalo, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. finalcuthalo

    finalcuthalo Ancient
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    One of the features always missing from FH was an easy database of maps, where users could rate and comment. While the MapDB was started on multiple occasions, it never took off the ground. I'm going to try and make it happen, this time with a tie to the forums and its users.

    Obviously, what I and the staff envision may not be exactly what the members want. I'm asking for suggestions on what to include in the mapdb. It will include basic integration with most parts of the forum, such as profiles. You will be able to post your map and get raitings and feedback from other members.

    Besides new features, I need some help on the following:

    • A good way to determine a list of favorites. I'm thing something like digg's front page algorithim.
    • for ratings, should we use stars or numbers?
    list will updated with more questions when needed
  2. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    i vote stars for rating. and im not so sure about the new stuff. i guess im for either way. but if you know that alooot of people wont like it, then maybe you could figure out a different way. cause mad people=bad.
  3. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I'd really like a way to search my specific gametype (slayer, CTF, oddball). I know some maps are multiple, but have some sort of tags, and searching competitive slayer brings up a list of map names with clickable links, possibly a picture. As well, searching by author would be cool too.

    And yeah stars, but definitely include half, and maybe quarter stars?
  4. finalcuthalo

    finalcuthalo Ancient
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    You will be able to sort by map, gametype and author. You will also be able to have multiple gametypes attached. tags are something that I will implement in the later beta's.

    What you pointed out for stars was something I don't want to do because it is usually hard to make out fourths and halves. I might just end with number rankings and have some sort of bar graphic, like CNET.
  5. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    maybe a percent rating system, like if you like a map and like to rate it, just have a little bar system that you can move around until it says 96 % or 56 % or maybe 34 % i would like that, but also id like a place to go for all gametypes because it would save time.
  6. finalcuthalo

    finalcuthalo Ancient
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    The bar system sounds like a good idea.

    Gametypes will be included as well in the mapdb.

    Senior Member

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    The map ratings as of right now are stars, but when hovered over they depict a numerical average of 1 to 5. Best of both worlds?
  8. Epic Tusk

    Epic Tusk Ancient
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    I'm going to agree with LIGHTS. And I'm glad that this will take off after that whole day I spent typing out Game type and Map description.
  9. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I mean, as far as the whole database thing goes, it should be pretty straightforward. What characteristics are you planning on defining for each map? I'm thinking map name, map author, release date, gametypes supported (a yes/no check for each type and an alternate option for map-specific gametypes), general rating (I'd use a 1-10 scale with something this big... the % bar is a good idea as well), map tone (competitive, minigame, etc)... anything else you can think of. When it comes to databases, the more values you can assign, the easier it'll be to search. That's why I love me my winamp. Release date is probably the most important one you haven't already mentioned.

    I also wouldn't mind some cool little "award" icons next to maps that do certain things (Featured, Gobble-proof, et cetera).

    Maybe the most important thing is your rotating 'favorites.' If you can come up with a good algorithm to pick them out and keep them fresh, that'd be awesome.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Definitely something like what HCE Halomaps has right now. It would be really nice if it was integrated with the forums in the sense that it's not so much like, 'click this link in the Map DB to get to the forums post!' type of thing. Maybe something like how a blog commenting works, and then clicking on the comment would direct you to the forum post.

    Anywho, a nice way for ratings would be in a 0-10.0 scale. By default, the map's rating starts at null (or whatev), and it'll take about five-ish or so votes to start making the rating show.
    Cosmic Rick likes this.
  11. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Agreed. There's got to be a minimum rate-count for the rating to show up.
    Nemihara likes this.
  12. LIGHTSOUT225

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    I also support the minimum ratings.
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I'm Nemi, and I approve this message.

    I definitely want to see a push for this Map DB. I've heard rumors from you guys very often, and I've been waiting to see when this would happen.

    Also, I'm fooling around with Bungie.Net now. Seems like the DL code for maps is in Java/Ajax, so I'm wondering if there's a way to direct the script into queuing it straight from FH instead of having to go to B.Net to download it. Doubtful, but it would kick so much ass.
  14. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Could a digg like function be implemented?
  15. finalcuthalo

    finalcuthalo Ancient
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    It's ajax. I could talk to achronos to see if there is a way we could use it. but since it requires a passport account it would be very tricky.

    Probably not. It adds another layer to the reviews that it makes thing more complicated.
  16. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Adding a Sign-In thingy would require us registering with Microsoft to add it to our site, or ask Bungie to let us use their info stuff. I'm not sure about the latter, but registering for our own application might not work.

    Windows Live Application ID
  17. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I suggest that Forgehub nominated an official rating team that tackles as many maps as they can. Also when someone wants to post a map it should have boxes where you check the type (competitive, casual, race etc.), gametypes (duh), and something else?
  18. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    i think you should have differant sections of maps, such as like. Most downloads, most comments, highest rating, most views. i think this wiull help sort this out though, glad your making map db

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