My best halo memory would have had to been when my friend brought his Xbox to my house and we played some Halo 2 through the tunnelling programs for the first time. The list of games on the System Link menu would flicker on and off so we had to be quick, it was a hoot just trying to get into the game.
My favorite memory is beating the original halo on legendary and then seeing johnson and an elite hug, just before they apperaed to be incinerated, and also does anyone know were that grunt in halo 1's last level is i cant find it!!!
Before Halo 3 came out, a bunch of friends and I had a 'Goodbye Halo 2' Party, and it was awesome. We even had a contest of who could land on the highest building in Headlong by Banshee Catapulting (I won :squirrel_wink
Ok Halo CE: split screen the only map i played was bloodgultch and sidewinder Halo 2: one time these three guys and me started a custom party and we played from 10 am to 11 pm with out leaving ( go to get some chips and dew) and the whole time we mess around and play town aka shopping mall ( that is the result of not having live and getting board) on turf and headlong ( I’ll explain that later if you wont me to) then around 11 we had people fighting to get in the party and every one is talking then we all say to each other that were tiered and left the party. Some say that party is still going (epic pause) Halo 3: now haven't had any really good one but the on time i was playing ts on narrows and I went for snipe and saw two guys down by shotty and then i shot one in the chest then shot again though his chest and hit the other gut in the head (i freaked) went to the other snipe spawn and look to my left saw two more guys and no scoped on in the chest then shot again and shot him though the chest and hi the guy behind him in the HEAD!!!! wow this is long
Who doesn't remember doing the no enemys glitch on AOTCR, taking the banshee wayy up high, and letting yourself fall down at incredible speeds ontop of your buddys head. And in halo 2, it was the scarab gun, by far. Such a race to get it and get the dual wield one. So much fun along the way.
Actually, what's funny is the first time i played AOTCR, I thought you were supposed to take the banshee. So I reverted to last save maybe 10 times before I got it. Then I read on a bunch of threads on how thats a 'secret way to easily get it.' Saved me a lot of time, and I didn't even know it! Also, I had a good time the weekend before this past one, getting the scarab gun again for the achievement in Halo 2 Vista. And by a good time, I mean it kind of sucked: first, my controller and wireless gaming receiver had some interference for some reason causing me to board the banshee when I hit start to go get some diet coke, so I switched to a wired one, and got it on the first try. Unfortunately, while I was in the bashee after getting through the tunnel, my brother turned on my xbox to play rock band, and I have auto-signin enabled. (disconnecting me from live, and requiring a level restart to get any achievements) I got it on the first try when I restarted the level, though. Um, favorite moment from the halos was the saturday night after H3's release, had 3 buddies over, systemlinked two boxes, beat the entire campaign on legendary in one night. Well, almost. One person took forever to get there, and didn't want us to start without him, so we started really late and that plus 'The Storm' taking us an hour due to us not knowing how to disable the Scarab, made us not be able to finish the last two until a week or two later when we could all get together and do it again. But it was still a great time. I only wish that saved films recorded voices. And I got meta-game when we beat 'Cortana,' made me so happy that I never have to play that freakin' level ever again. Anyway, there's my story.
The flood level in Halo 1. It played out just like a good horror movie. The enemies who you are supposed to be afraid of are afraid of something else, when you enter the building nothing moves until that one marine, and then you get Jenkins' helmet... then HOLY $@#%! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Win.
favorite memory would have to be the final level of halo 2, where i squeezed in the banshee without realizing u werent supposed to, and me and my friend were trying to kill the last guy, watching him spawn and fall down over and over as i laughed....also i remember played epic 2v2s with a set amount of lives so that if u die too much u loose...i remmebr being 49-49 on foundation like every game
Halo 2: Grunt Birthday Party, Tower of Power definately, getting outside of levels, lockout!, and superjumps Halo 3: forging, standing outside for 4 hrs to get it, and um everything! didn't have xbox for original halo
that first time playing through the campaign right after all the games came out. the excitement, the joy, the pain, the "nooo its over!"
Combining glitches with large parties of friends in H2. I've actually never played the whole Halo CE campaign. Halo 3's infection gametype makes the perfect gametype for huge playlists of friends.
H2 glitches and H3 multiplayer. The most memorable campaign moment was at the end when I thought (hilight for spoiler) Chief died. After I figured out I was wrong it ruined the whole thing for me.