.:NO LONGER ON FILE SHARE:. I HAD TO MAKE AN UPDATE FOR THE VIDEO A LINK WILL BE POSTED SOON TO THE NEW POST --- THESE LINKS WILL NO LONGER WORK HERE IS A LINK TO THE NEW THREAD: Click Here hey everybody, monkey here, with a video he made (i made) its kind of hard to describe with out giving it away so i will just use the word warthog. this video is really awesome and i hope you like it. it is on my file share if you wish to download and find out how i did the... mhmm it. Download Link For Car Skillz Click Here here is a direct video thanks to ToochieHxC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzpkUe1h_Cs anyway here is the youtube link. Click Here To Watch well hope you enjoy. oh and.... rate and discuss.
oooo, thank you, you realized why i used that camera angle for the vid, it took me a while to think about but, there wasnt really any other choices, but this one worked out well.
embed your video by posting the link, it embeds automatically :] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzpkUe1h_Cs haha wtf? that was some crazy ass backward weely things you did there XD
lol that is pretty amazing! would have been better if you did that on purpose lol. i wish it was one of those things were you keep going back and forth like that. that would be funny
haha thank you 8), the minute i showed it to one of my friens ryan he almost said what you said, but like this. im quoting here. "WOAH, WHAT the ****!?" also, i thiugh it was crazy ass myself. Thank you!
haha, if all things were on purpose, they wouldnt be as funny, for example, somebody else being hit in the balls by accident though, catch my drift? yeah my turret-er, aka, for this video, my dad, (sometimes me and him play halo together) said, and im quoting here, "didnt even realize it was happening until i showed him the video i took of it." haha