mallet and whoever said i was lying, heres the link to a vid of me gettin out of map on "blue" : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Lolz sorry for doubting you Bloumbas, I see what you mean now. New version up with get out of map fixes. <3
no problem, i just found something wrong with my map too, i have like fence boxes, with warthogs inside them for aesthenics, but if you grenade jump you can grab a hog and get out, so im posting a fixed edition in a couple hours too.
Well, to be honest, I think the only thing that could be improved about my map is the spawning. <.< But I'm never really good at placing those things. =\ Oh well. I hope they don't turn out bad.
vorpal, your maps pretty nice. i think you could open it up more though, like the mancannon is the only way to get out of that section of map. Anyone wanna check mine and see if theres anytig wrong.
There was a small spawning issues with some items. I fixed it and updated my submission. (Sorry 'bout that) And about the man cannon. That may be the only way up there, but it's pretty open (besides the box) so camping isn't all that great up there. ~and I'm pretty sure you can jump on to the bridge that holds the OS... <.<
ya, your right. oviously no camping in your map, im jst saying how theres like the two dofferant sections of your map, and the only way to get from one to the other iis the man cannon. i do enjoy your map though. you think you could check ine, and see if thers anything wrong with it? or if it could look cleaner?
I like your map layout. It is a good small map. Though, I must say, you should really get rid of those shield doors. Those are open for camping galore (that or just move those boxes down a tad to where you can’t get in them ~that way they add to the aesthetics of your map). Oh, and I also got out of the map. Here’s a link to me doing it. <-That's only one I found. There might be more. But I don't think there is. And one last thing - after this contest is over, go back into this map and touch it up with some interlocking, because this is one of the more impressive small maps I’ve seen.
thanks vorpal. your prob right, a shotgun in there would piss a lot of people off. andyah, i already started a remake w/ intelrocking, i hope to get that up soon, cas my friend, who makes all switch maps, and i are gonna start a slayer map with some drawbridges and switches, just for the uniqueness of it. im downloading the vid right now, hopefully its something i can fix.
Good to know. Be sure to inform me when that map is out. Yeah, the camping with the shotgun was my thoughts as well. Oh, and about fixing it.... I hope you can... though I think it'll be tricky without interlocking.
I get back from vacation to my xbox with only like a couple days to make a map for this contest. I hope I have enough time!