The Bomb actually says 'Thus I refute thee' on it. I Photoshopped Griefball in though. By: Hari This is the second version of Griefball made by none but Myself. You may be wondering exactly what Griefball is if you haven't seen it before and so i shall explain. Griefball is grifball with a twist. It has only sections of flooring as opposed to an entire floor. Griefball v2 also features no side walls. With so many holes in the structure, it can be quite easy to find yourself cascading off the edges of this deathtrap. I made this version quite close to the death barrier to attempt to shorten spawn times when falling off. Griefball v2 is optimized for 4v4 like the original Grifball and was made as large as possible with the available items on any given map. In Griefball v2, there are 16 evenly spaced platforms as opposed to the 12 in griefball v1. Also, I attempted to prevent some of the spawn-killing by placing extra spawn points. If you read all that, you deserve a cookie. I have no action shots of yet, but if some of you awesome 'hubbers would like to join me in a game of Griefball, then just send an invite to my GT, Hari1170. On to pics..... Overview Other View Mua Mua + mah awesome photoshopping skillz I hope you like my map! Enjoy! DOWNLOAD MAP DOWNLOAD PREMADE GAMETYPE There seems to be some problems here, but i was the Original creator of Griefball and didn't steal anyone's ideas. Look HERE for proof. Oh, and it is supposed to be frustrating and difficult hence the 'grief' in the name.
yo dont self rate it makes people angry btw it looks really cool though i would dl but my xbox just got rrod
Wow, great idea dude, You'll get knocked off easy to, which will be fun and mad at the same time! Come up with more ideas!
I didn't. Why would i give myself a 4/5??? Also, please comment on the map.....not what rating it may have.
It looks fun, but I agree with Arch3m because it would get frustrating becuase even if you miss with the gravity hammer the force would knock them off. Looks good tho
i like the whole idea of the map although looks like the gameplay wont flow as well as the original p.s. you ow me a cookie
wow this map actually looks pretty fun, it puts a new twist on grifball, im dl now so ill play it then review and tell u wut i think, the swamp out
good map but whats grief ball?my friend tried to explain it but just told me its gay don't worry about it . what is it?
I can make a less painful edition with side walls. The problem was that people stuck to the walls so they wouldn't fall as often as others. Besides, most people die before they get a chance to fly off the side. ::EDIT:: Grifball is a strategic game of neutral bomb where both teams spawn with Grav-hammers and swords and low gravity and high speed. The object is to plant the bomb in the opponents side of the court.
I think minigames should be fun, not necessarily frustrating and difficult- that's why I don't care for puzzle maps. I love grifball, but it seems that it would be almost useless to try to score since one hammer swing would knock you off- making scores rare and games long. Have you tested this very much? I might d/l if someone posts something good about it...
love the idea of floating! i love grifball and i love blackout! good job! 5/5 only problem is that falling
pretty cool idea, but if you have like 8 people, and theres only like 16 squares, well have problems, and it seems like people can be too easily knockefd off.