So i've very nearly completed my next map "Reactor Core" which is an homage to boarding action. However, everyone knows boarding action has a huge pit of death in the middle of it's level. In order to simulate this (this is not a re-make so I'm not confined) I've aptly named my map Reactor Core. The premise of the Pit of Death in the center is rows of Fusion cores with a 10 second respawn. Every 20 seconds a fusion core falls and blows them up, effectively killing all unfortunate fellows who fell in. The cores can also obviously be set off by a grenade or bullet, giving the opposing team some easy kills. I feel that this properly provides an incentive to NOT fall in. The description of my map states that the Reactor core is abandoned, but unstable and prone to random explosions.. which again I feel explains the Pit of Death fairly well. I just wanted the opinion of the community on my idea of this pit of death, and if others had ideas for a pit of death. (NOTE: I have obviously tried the "constantly exploding fusion cores" idea and it is not practical, too noisy, too much debris build up, and too many random fusion cores fly up out of the pit hitting innocent bystanders. Also: I am seeking testers for my map, please I prefer well known, members of the community. (i've sunk waaaay too many hours into this map to have it stolen)
I believe he means to set all the fusion coils in the center to instant respawn... however I don't think that would be cool, because lag is a b****. Your way sounds fine Lintendo... until I get to see this map today.
AZN is absolutely right. I made a map on High Ground that had constantly exploding fusion coils inside the base and with a party of four it lagged like crazy. I don't recommend it at all. Besides, the noise really gets to you.
Squidhands knows... when is the AZN ever wrong??? lolz... hope this map is as good as I expect it to be. We shall see in about an hour and a half.
I am personally not a big fan of deathpits so I hope this one either defeats the rest out there or is not what it sound like.
definately your idea over the constant explosion. it sounds like a fair enough way to create a death pit, its just another example of why we sould be able to put 'kill zones' into our maps.
Your idea is better than instant explosion as long as they can't get out of the pit. Are oyu on XBL? YOu said you wanted to test...
yea this idea seems really cool, and you pretty much have it on lock. I will definitely look to download this map
I've heard of people using custom powerups that severely weaken players and give them indicators, making them great targets.
So I trust klink's opinion, since he has been here a while... what did you think of Lintendo's map yesterday. My internet went down for the night because of building maintence... I was not amused. Lintendo I can check you map out today if you are still offering.
teleporters all u have 2 do is line up teleporters at the bottom of tha pit. u then get outa tha map (window side) and place a receiver node in front of the level boudry, put a man cannon behind (in case of accidental survival) and players will actually fall 2 their death