EGM Rumor: Bungie Making Multiplatform Games Planet Halo - News, Screenshots, Previews, Reviews, Guides The EGM September 2008 Rumor Mill claims that Bungie is making multiplatform/PS3 games. Right now it's only a rumor, but considering that Bungie is now independent and seems to be having some problems with Microsoft, this could eventually turn out to be true.
I doubt they will make a halo3 for PS3 plus it would be kind of weird, would you be able to play people who have halo 3 on Ps3 online.
Who the hell knows, but will Bungie sell out once again? Will Bungie turn out like Sega and become a *****? Just like Final Fantasy, it sold out to all 3 video game companies. So who the hell knows man... But it may just be a different project as well.
No. Will not happen. M$ owns Halo, but they no longer own Bungie. And what reason would M$ have for allowing a major competitor to have access to their biggest IP? None. There goes hardware sales - right out that window over there. Bungie will be free to make whatever they want with whoever they want, but nothing with Halo in its name.
I dont think it will, i remember hearing somewhere that Halo is owned by Microsoft, even though bungie created it, even if there not togheter no more, Microsoft still owns halo's rights and stuff.
I don't think so because Microsoft still has a lot of rights to halo. However, Bungie could make new games that aren't Halo related and put them on PS3. I think that XBOX360 owners should be glad to share our awesomeness with the PS3. I doubt that Bungie would do it though.
LOL try nintendo.. Microsoft still owns the right to halo, the halo universe and anything halo related. Halo will not appear on anything other than PC, and Xbox related products. All this is is someone spinning what we already know: Bungie an independent dev, and throwing Halo in the mix. Bungie has made more games other than halo..and multiplatform doesn't mean PS3, it could mean PC/Mac. Oni was on ps2, so it's not like Bungie hasn't worked with Sony before..but Halo go to PS3? Why would microsoft bother unless they were quitting the console race.
Why would Microsoft's logo be on the cover of a PlayStation game? This is, without a doubt, fake. Thats not even the official box art, that was the epsilon's.
Its fake, because halo 3 was published by microsoft studios, and if its microsoft sudios, its Xbox only. CASE SOLVED LOL