Map Title: Camp De4th You will go in,and you won't come out.......ALIIIIIIIVE! Download Map Description: This is Camp De4th. Once inside the camp you can try and take refuge in one of the many tents strewn about the main camp area,but beware since they don't offer much piece of mind once the action begins. If you are not dodging grenades from across the map,a hail of bullets from one of the 2 lookout towers and their gun turrets,straight up gun fire,or that pesky flame thrower, you will have to dodge the occasional airstrike from above. Making matters worse is the sniper tower and the 4 floating sniping areas far above your head that are only accessible by one way teleporters. Throughout the level you will find your basic assortment of Battle Rifles,Shotguns,Pistols,grenades,powerups,and melee weapons. *This part is important* Good luck finding the Rocket Launcher! And when you do you might be amazed! This map looks basic,but trust me,seeing it is much better. I spent a little time interlocking also,which came out ok since it was my first try. This map works good in Slayer and Juggernaut variants best,maybe even Infection. Here's some pics:[img] [img]
Re: Concentration Camp You might want to consider changing the map name. I'm sure somebody will be offended.
Re: Concentration Camp I really hope nobody does get offended,considering it's 2008 and this is a Halo 3 forged map. But who knows,maybe there is an 85 year old Jewish guy somewhere on these forums lol!
Re: Concentration Camp I agree because its a horrible thing to talk about since so many people died in them. I recommend you change it quickly, to something that doesnt offend anyone. Since its a sensitivie topic.
Re: Concentration Camp i dont think anyone will be offended but still changing it is probably a good idea.
Re: Concentration Camp You did the right thing with the name change, but I think this falls far beyond the realm of competitive maps.
Re: Concentration Camp being jewish, it does offend me slighty, not a ton or anything, but i would kinda recommend changing name.... also not really. the vast majority of (normal) people agree that the holocaust was terrible, and while of course we shouldnt just turn away and forget it, i dont believe its really appropriate in halo, especially the way it seems you did it. i saw someone elses map and i thought it was pretty OK, it was asthetic and of course it wasnt respectful, but it certainly wasnt not sure this can warrant an inappropriate but i personally dont like it much
No problem guys, I just need to change it in Forge so sorry it stills says what it did before when you go to download it. Unfortunately I can't change it till tomorrow.
Re: Concentration Camp Concentration camps were in use long before the torturous and murderous way they were used against the Jews, so i don't think it is necessarily wrong to use the term. However, considering the overwhelmingly negative aura surrounding the phrase, due to the horrors of the Holocaust, i would recommend steering away from it, and using a synonym. Maybe "Incarceration" or "Internment". Maybe "P.O.W" if you still want to keep a military feel about it. Still, it doesn't seem right to a "smiley face" next to the words "Concentration Camp", considering the modern usage of the words. So definitely get rid of the Smiley. As for the map itself, i think it looks well laid-out. Walsl look nice and straight. There's open area combat, there's close quarters combat. I'll have to play it before making final judgment. I would recommend throwing some scenery around to make it look lived in. *Edit*- Crap! You changed it while i was replying. Good job.
I know it's hard to voice an opinion on this not being Jewish or extremely knowledgeable on this subject, I can say that it was not only the Jews subject to concentration camps in WW2, there were also many Russians and other POW's there. Plus, not to put out a stereotype about Jewish people, there was people after the war that called themselves the Jewish Brigade. They would hunt down former Nazis and kill them in the dead of the night, and while that might seem reasonable, a lot of the time innocent people were murdered. But I'm getting off topic, looks like a good map and nice post.
Yeah, let's try to restrict conversation to comments about the map. Your thoughts on nazis can go in the random stuff forum.
... and yet you have said nothing about the map in all of your 3 replies. Thanks for illustrating your own point. Ok, so i played the map. It played about as i had expected from the pics/description. Yes, i found the rockets. I like the use of that area, but someone could easily camp and wait for you to come back from getting the rockets, and melee you from behind. It might be better to have a one-way teleporter to take you to the rocket, and another one-way teleporter from the rocket, that takes you to a different part of the map (maybe even floating one that drops you in the middle of the camp). Other than that, i still say you should add some barrels, pallets, windows... something randomly placed around the map to liven it up a bit. Overall, decent map.
People get offended here pretty easily. Anyway map looks kind of interesting, but its not really a competitive style map.