Vents |competative slayer|

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Forge|Designer|C13, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    Vents is a medium sized map, but it has room to exspand and even get out of , so you can take your fight where you want.

    Vents includes an engenious way to get to new rooms, then finaly to the vents where you will find a beam sword. Then as you venture into the vents you will be catapulted back into the map where you can reak havock with the sword. But will you survive to make it to the vents? I will give you a clue; dont waste the grav lift's! lol

    I want to release pictures but releasing pictures will spoil. lol
    I will release a tutorial for those who cant find the room's but not untill i have downloads.
    I will also release pictures of the map.

    But try and find the:
    "Sniper rifel"
    "Shotgun room"
    "The Plasma pit"
    "Both grav lifts" - which you will need to get down and into the vents.
    "The tellaporters"

    And if you are skilled enough you can even grab a sniper , and purch at the vent exit, but this takes practise because most times you will just not take your time and catapult your self into the map.

    This map is best played on "slayer" can be played on team slayer.
    And what else can i say the more the merryier , best played with at least 3 players, but good fun with 2.

    However i must say again , im am sorry for not putting pictures in, but this would spoil this map. Thanks your's bravowolf77

    sorry im new to these post's so please follow the link bellow , i am however working on a new vent's map that is geo-merged.

    please ignore this map , i can do so much better and will prove this soon! : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    #1 Forge|Designer|C13, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2008
  2. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Hey when your posting maps you need pictures, or else it will get locked :(. I know you want to not show the pics but its the rules so you better follow them.
  3. TheMisterHat

    TheMisterHat Guest

    this sounds cool but i need pics to download a map
  4. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    ok i will upload pictures but please dont lock this fourm , because i cant upload them today as i am not allowed on my xbox because my parents wont let me , grr.. so hopfully i will be allowed on tomorow because i helped tidy the house up lol.

    hey i just had an idea, if anyone could take any pictures for me i will be verry greatfull . If you can please either post them for me or send me a link so i can , thanks .
    #4 Forge|Designer|C13, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2008
  5. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I understand that you will add pictures and I can't wait until the geo-merged version comes out. Some grammar tips however are:
    - Sniper 'rifel' is actually spelt Sniper 'Rifle'
    - Tellaporters when spelt correctly is Teleporters

    Remember to check your grammar in a post as presentation is as important as the map itself.

    EDIT: Also, don't rate your own threads - it's up to the community to decide
  6. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    ok thanks for the tip's they have really helped me.
  7. short children

    short children Ancient
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    I decided to humor you and download even though I had no idea what I was getting into. I hate to say but I have to give you 2/5. The map was poorly made, it had no interlocking or geometric merging. It seemed like you just threw something together with no prior planning. There were a lot of wasted items in the map. It has potential and I would like to see a well thought out V2.
  8. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Maybe if I have room ill take pics. I totally understand ur situation.

    Can u say +rep???
  9. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    please change the title of your thread to only the map name.

    there is an edit button on the bottom right of your post, thank you.
  10. prepare4legend

    prepare4legend Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow dude first post? cuz u deffinately need pics ur probably not gonna get any downloads make an account on photobucket and save hte image from bungie to ur destop, upload on photobucket take img code and post on forum message me when u do and ill take a look
  11. Forge|Designer|C13

    Senior Member

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    Ok well ignore this map , i may get rid off it because this was one of my first maps i ever made, and i have learnt so much more since i have posted this , and more inportantly since i made this map. I only posted this because i wasnt allowed on my xbox 360 ( lol ) and it was somthing to do. Also that it was the only thing on my file share. I have made a geo'd version of this map which was based on the "Vents". I also used door's with turrets behinde them as a door. thanks i will post this as im allowed on my xbox today i will take some pic's too.

    Thanks for all your help.

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