IGN: Xbox 360 Gets System Update Xbox 360 Gets System Update August 6, 2008 - Xbox 360 owners who connect to Live today will get a message notifying them of a mandatory system update. But don't get too excited (or upset, depending on your perspective) just yet – it's not the upcoming Dashboard overhaul. That's still scheduled for a fall release. According to Xbox Live's Major Nelson, today's update is intended to "prepare for future growth of the service," and nothing more. That means no new features, no fixes, no bells and no whistles -- just mysterious lines of preparatory code working behind the scenes. When Microsoft gives word of the impending mega-update, we'll give you a heads-up.
Okay thanks i got it on halo 3 and was scared incase they had blocked a hiding place so i've been checking them all day to make sure there still usable ^_^
Xbox.com | E3 2008 - New Xbox Experiences Reinvent Home Entertainment I cant wait to we get all the avatars and like little chat rooms on the dash board. I just cant wait to the major update!
Yeah, I really love the chatrooms! I was always mad how I could only private chat with one person at a time, but it looks like this will fix it. soon I can play GH3 while 2 of my friends play halo!
I'm not sure about the update .. It seems like a great idea but i think i won't like it .. I don't know why i just have a feeling ..
I just hope that the 8 people parties actually can talk to each other during a game, I don't wanna just private chat with people on the dashboard. The new minigames look cool though.
I got the update too. Anyways, like a few other people said, i'm not too sure about the fall update. Some things seem a bit... stupid. It'll probably have some good things it in, but still.
im glad you posted this. i updated it and was like...i didn't think it was supposed to come out yet. then after i looked around and everything seemed to be the same so i assumed it wasn't what were waiting for lol
I 'received' a 'demo' of the dashboard thing for my other Xbox. Very...interesting stuff. I'd prefer my older dashboard, but the new Guide menu is a lot better in my opinion.
No, I just burnt an .iso of the demo to a disc, ran it in my 'otras' Xbox, and restarted. Then it loads up as the thing they showed at the E3.
Ya if you just google it you can download an iso, and like Nemi said, just burn it to a disc and pop it in. I forget the website I saw it at...lemme check.... Actually, I'm not sure if I can post up those kinds of websites. Just good xboxsoftmods, then I'm sure you can navigate your way to it. As for the update for today...it's merely an update to help an update. For Halo, they also released a behind-the-scenes update of their own today. I was playing doubles today and found out they released the playlist update today. Here are some of the changes... Ranked Team Objective ADDED Oddball ADDED King of the Hill REMOVED Ghost Town from symmetrical map variants Team Doubles ADDED Oddball ADDED King of the Hill ADDED 2 Flag on the Pit ADDED 1 Flag on Blackout Ranked Big Team Battle “Heavy” map variants added to Slayer rotation Standoff Heavy modified for more insanity ADDED Sandtrap Heavy DLC DLC Slayer Increased weighting on Cold Storage Hardcore MLG REMOVED MLG Blackout