heyy can any1 help me i try to clone me and when i do i see him and then when i save then resatrt the map he is gone :O IDK why but i need help keeping clones for a snipper practice map i am making so any help it gladdly aprriecated
in forge u put damage resitsance for the human mode at 10% then u jump into the classic ball inbettween 4 plasma sheilds that baounces around really fast so u r almost died then u jump on a turret and ripp it off so the explotion kills u and waallllaaa a clone its weird
think of ur clone as a dead body, when you restart are all the dead bodies from when you last played still lying around? No, because when you rip the turret off, you kill urself do to the fact that u only have 50% health, meaing that the turret explosion from the rip off kills u, its very weird how it works but basically u die standing up
Clones aren't actual items in the map, like the above user said, they're just dead bodies forced to stand up because they're holding onto invisible turrets. You can't save them.
well then how do i get maps like um..... i fogot there names but i see 10 or 12 maps with people sanding around.....so...i am trying it but IDK how to do it
those are modded maps, that is illegal, against the rules, will get you banned, and will set your house on fire.