this game looks bloody fantastic! RSV2 is gonna wipe the opposition clean, cant wait to use the 11 new weapons, one of which is the british SA-80/L-85. Lets just hope that u can sprint and armour has more balance.
you never elaborated on what kind of clan your planning on making... though I think it should be something more like Squirrel Squad lol - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
I CANT WAIT!!! WOW its going to be SWEET but the only thing is that i heard that the ranking system is still going to be REALLY REAAALLLY SLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW if you know what i mean!!! i hated that. Ya but i dont think it will beat Call of Duty 4... speaking of that Call of Duty 5 is going to be another World War II game ... BORING!!! and it is going to be made by the original Call of Duty 1, 2 and, 3 becouse Call of Duty 4 was made by a different gaming programing company ... so its going to be POOOOOPYYYYYYYY
It sounds like their heading toward more of a COD4 sense which is definitly a good thing...Because I loved Vegas and Cod but the 2 together would be sick.
im definately getting it, the l85a1 and the L96 are my two farvourite weapons, and to be honest i never thought vegas 1 needed improving, unless you take into account the bugs and glitches. I thought it was a really kick ass game, and i ownt it so thats a bonus :squirrel_giggle: