My Forged Map This Is Just The 1st Half Of It. The Rest Will Be Coming Soon Enjoy W1ck3d Tr1ck This thread will be locked on August 7th, at 10:30am PST, if standards are not met.
unfortunately, this post isnt up to standards, you can only post finished stuff and download links here, even though this map looks fun.
What moneky said. Can't wait to see this finished. Oh, you should ask a mod to move/close/delete this thread before it's too late. edit: yeah, moved. that's the other one I forgot. lol
Moved to Halo Forge Discussion. You can't post unfinished maps or preview threads in the actual Map forums. They are for completed maps only.
I hate to say this but your map allready is not mlg. You have a turret. MLG maps don't use turrets so when you finish your map, i suggest removing the turret
lol what? Did I miss MLG somewhere? But I do agree, if you are aiming for MLG, not turrent. But the bunker itself just doesn't seem like a fitting MLG layout. Looks nice though.
Thank You all for the comments.. almost got it done Add My GT W1ck3d Tr1ck or MSN i'll put on fileshare when done I took the turret off i don't know why i put it on there in the first place. lol This Map is really my first map i ever made I hope you all like it the bunker took me about 30 mins to make haha. The rest took me about 2 or 3 hours L8er