Map Title:Exceled This supply containment facility is well known for distributing SPNkR products. 6-14 Players. Download Map Description: Exceled is a map I came up with while looking through the old Forging 101's. The Symmetric/Assymetric technique was something a lot of people never used. So I made a map that changes the bases, weapons, and overall flow of the map when playing an asymmetrical variant as opposed to a symmetrical variant. This map is deasigned for KOTH and Territories, but works with all variants. Additional Details: There are 50 spawn points, 20 attackers, 20 defenders, and 10 neutral. There is a door blocking the path from base to base in Symmetrical, but not in in unsymmetrical. A Symmetric Gametype View of the Tower [img width=800 height=600][/img] An Asymmetric View of the Tower [img width=800 height=600][/img] Symmetric View of the Base [img width=800 height=600][/img] Asymmetric View of the Base [img width=800 height=600][/img]
Yawn...I'm sorry but your map does not meet the expectations that I hold for Foundry maps. You'll have to add some more scenery, rework your design, and make it unique so that it stands out. Good efforts though.
agreed also make the bases look more interactive and fun to play in maybe throw in some weapon screenshots or your map in action. Just some suggestions looks nice though
Alright, worked on it for another hour. Updated Screenshots. In response to iversonrocks03, the map was not designed for the bases. It was designed for the central tower. The only gametypes that bring you to the other teams base is CTF and Territories, so it wasn't my top priority.