Euphoria Now I know what you're thinking: oh great another infection map. But this maps steers away from the hole humans in house zombies come in house and get humans sort of infection. This map is meant to be an in your face sort of map where you turn a corner and a zombie's sword is in your face. With only 3 built in hiding places and a map meant for parties of up to 12, hopefully this map will live up to that expectation. This map was not made to have a really cheesey backround story about an old mansion this map has a little bit of everything we love in infection maps. Supports any infection gametype. Weps:BRx1 Carbinex1 PlazRiflex1 SMGx1 Tripminex1 Pics: It's a pretty small map so the pics cover most of it but I didn't want to give away too may secrets. Main hallway where humans spawn Study where zombies spawn Ramp leading off main hallway into side hallway Ramp leading off main hallway into study Side hallway Built in hiding spot Here is link to DL: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Enjoy!
I H8 when u do than u hit enter to go down 1 line an boom ur stuck with half a post i H8 it happen to me with my 2 maps lol just fix it before 24 hrs
Yeah, there's an edit button at the bottom of your post. You didn't need to say to rate on bungie in a whole seperate one. I think the map looks good. It's nothing really special, but you're new here so I don't expect much. The only thing I can really say is that maps just made out of zigzagging walls are kind of getting old.
it has interlokcing, but could prob use more, and it is like other zombie maps i think. Its decent, but nothiing special. 3/5
this is a pretty good map and i love infection! link bloumbas said: it's nothing special. i will give it a 4/5 though for nice and neatness
This looks like a really kwl infection map, you mite needa add more tho, But thats just my opion... keep up the good forging