UNSC Team 01 - The Killer Virus

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Steeveness, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm Steeveness this is my first ever machinima.

    Its pretty short though concidering I don't have a capture card, I think 3 hours is pretty good probs less than that.
    The series is going to be called :
    YouTube - UNSC Team 01 - The Killer Virus

    My youtube account is : Steeveness

    There should be 10 episodes per series :)

    The first episode it about a computer hacker, that puts out a virus that kills someone, and Steve (Blue guy in film ME) and frosty (green guy in film) have to hunt him down and kill him.

    If I had a capture card it would've been hundred times easier, although I'm getting one :p

    I recommend you actually go on youtube and selct high quality OTHERWISE IT WILL LOOK AND SOUND BAD.

    #1 Steeveness, Aug 5, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008
  2. youngian

    youngian Guest

    could you be any more enthusiastic in that video. not to be a douche.
  3. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ... Why thanks you ****ing snooty piece of ****.
  4. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Calm down.

    It isn't bad, though the voice acting needs a bit more work. You need more emotion in the voices. I think that's what youngian was trying to say. The quality wasn't bad. Did you use GameVee to get the clips to your computer?

    The text in the credits was too hard to read. I'd suggest a different font.

    I give it a 3/5.
  5. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why thank you a more civalised comment rep +

    You guys have to read its a practice machinima, we werent even trying to act, so just watch and comment on youtube, oh and by the way what did you think of the subtitles?

    And yes, he is snooty no one does that just hurling abuse for a reply your meant to say good and bad points, not just blurt out circasticaly

    "could you be more enthusiastic"

    #5 Steeveness, Aug 5, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008
  6. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Even if it is a test, I'm gonna still gonna criticize it. Just take it and use it for your next one.
  7. E93

    E93 Guest

    Steve, next time do this when posting a youtube video:
    Put the link between www.videolinkhere.com[/media.] without that period in the end.

    And be a bit more patient towards other members here. If you burst out swearing, you might get infractions for that. Just so next time you know, here are the site rules.
    Also, be careful so you don't make duplicate threads. Be more patient with the site itself too. Things take a while to load.
  8. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you really, think I'm going to read the site rules, no I was right.. constuctive critisism is ok, as long as you don't PM abuse at me and he did.

    I'm sticking to that, I shoudn't of swore though you didn't need to be horrible and harsh
    #8 Steeveness, Aug 5, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2008
  9. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    A for effort, but buy a capture card, dont use geevee to record your clips ( ever ), because in all honesty it looks horrible, not only do you not get to redo your clips into the proper angles to look right, but it leaves a gross blue bar that ruins the video compeltly.

    Like i said A for effort, just dont bother useing geevee to contuine, go and get a capture card, so you can redo the sences right, and so it looks more pro.
  10. KB

    KB Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great other than that obnoxious blue time bar... Great job for your first one though! But I'm agreeing with Penguinish... really go get a capture card because it makes things so much more professional looking plus you can do more things to your videos when it comes to effect wise (if that makes any sense)
  11. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You guys, thanks for the adivice sorry I over-reacted earlier though, I wasent in the best of moods, and yes I'm geting a capture card although, I just got this laptop, obv be a while 1 -2 months before I do then you guys can help me set it up I'll put the webcam on, you guys show me k?

  12. E93

    E93 Guest

    It's alright.
    Just try not being so hotheaded next times.
    Happens to everyone at least once.
  13. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, basically I have it in my head that people on forums are snooty, think their better than everyone because they supposably think they know better.

    Its really because of a bad expeirence of previous forums, when I was a complete noob.

    And, I had really bad rep. :(

    So, forgive and forget +
  14. E93

    E93 Guest

    Well, you have to understand, that everyone goes through a period in the Forums where they think everyone is snooty, etc, etc. But everyone gets past the noob phase. You just gotta live through it.
    And believe me, it's worth living through it. You'll feel better about yourself too.
    Want a tip?
    Participate in the next TGIF (Thank God it's Forgeday).
    Become friends with people. Talk to people.
    It will ease your noob phase, trust me.

    Now enough of this.
    Back On-Topic
  15. AoD Deadite

    AoD Deadite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Part of working with Film is being able to accept critisim. And it wasn't that bad, Voice acting could use work.
  16. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Listen, I was in a bad mood not in a 'noob phase' and yes, I aint no noob I have 2 general accounts on halo and My maps have been shown to be really good including:

    The watchtower

    MLG China

    Oh, and yeah that guy was wrong because hes still sending profile messages, and I'm the one thats to apoligise just you guys, drop it now.
    I apoligised for swearing and by the way you can't be a noob on a forum grow up.
  17. E93

    E93 Guest

    ''Newbie is a slang term for a newcomer to online gaming or an Internet activity. It can also be used for any other activity in whose context a somewhat clueless newcomer could exist. It can have derogatory connotations, but is also often used for descriptive purposes only, without a value judgement.''

    You can be a newb/noob/nub/newbacca anywhere.
    And just because you have a rank in a video game, doesn't mean you're good everywhere else.

    Now just forget aobut it, and move on. K?

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