Hello, my forging monkeys. Today I just finished my map named Fort Avalanche. This is probably one of the best maps I have made so far. This map contains one huge base for one team to spawn, (the defenders) and the other team (the attackers) spawn next to two hornets. and one mongoose. This map supports ALL gametypes! My personal favorites are team slayer, infection and one flag. Here are some beautiful pics. The Fort Attackers Spawn Inside the Fort On top the Fort Inside the Fort Download here http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19856064
I'm just wondering if you have tested the map yet. You say you just finished the map but does that take in top account testing. I'm just trying to help you understand that people don't want to play on a map that might have 1) spawn flaws 2) overpowered weapons and/or 3) lack of great game play. sorry if this sounds rude I'm just what you to understand something that helps maps go from good to great.
Sooooo what exactly do the attackers get considering that the Splazer will horribly rape there Hornets. Other than that the base itself looks cool. Just don't ever make Defenders overpowered, it just doesn't come out to be good gameplay for anyone. O and it's spelled "Avalanche"
Did a Forg-through on it. And man is this a punch in the face to Fortress lovers. The base looked like it was rushed.There are very few spawn points on such a big map too. The weapon placements on the map were rather awkward. And the respawn time on the weapons were ALL 30 secs, which is not a good idea. This map made me not like Avalanche....until I play CTF on the default version.
That is a good comment, he gave you feedback. Anyway, I won't be downloading, but I think you should make the outside look a bit more appealing, and replace the laser with a missile pod. Although, it's quite easy to dodge rockets in a hornet, so if you stick with the spartan laser, make then respawn time really long.
By the way, 3 days isn't that long really. That's a very short time infact. The one in my sig took about 2 weeks. Given I only worked on it a few hours a day and it was my first real attempt at making a map. But still. 3 days, not long at all. In my opinion - rush job
I havent got the new maps yet but i've played them on my mates xbox and i'm just wondering...have you made those boxes immovable? Otherwise rockets bruteshots nades and basically anything powerful(pretty sure machineguns fom vehicles will do the same) are gonna scatter that fort to the corners of the earth. Just it doesnt look like you did from the pics. Also he did leave a good comment,its feedback on what you can improve. People arent just gonna amazing this are teh sh1t me download nowes!!!!!!! Not on this site anyway
it is cool that it's good for all gametypes, but it still has some flaws; you could even it out a bit more. (no splazer as others have said) or just give the attackers a bit more to use.