Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing hey guys srry, on the map there was a box that didnt spawn on start so i reposted and fixed it also theres a new addition the double box that was in the middle was replaced by an open single box on top of a single box and theres rockets in the middle and there will be a pic of it soon =] thank u and srry for the mishap Hey guys this is my mlg map its very neat and very playable. most everything is merged. It meets MLG standards, and is a perfect map for MLG gametypes. AND YES THIS MAP IS SYMMETRICAL!!! WEAPONS 6 X BATTLE RIFLE 2 X SNIPER RIFLE 2 X PLASMA PISTOL 1 X ROCKET LAUNCHER 6 X COVENANT CARBINE 2 X MAULER -2 bases -merged center peice -2 craters on each side merged with wall corners and double walls -merged single boxes creating a hallway in the base -bottom sides contain mauler and a little time to gain shields in gameplay -stairs up to center piece to gain easy acces -merged fence step to base -walls under center piece for nice coverage RECOMENDED GAME TYPE team slayer ffa ( spawning is not as good on ffa) 2 flag ctf oddball all MLG gametypes This was my first mlg map but it is good. if anyone has any ideas how to get good downloads then message me cuz it is a worthy map of many downloads. ive had many good reviews so thank you for ur support. CRATER The Crater is made with wall corners merged with double walls and and small barriers. This allows unigue cover and gameplay. BASE HALLWAY Two Single Box open merged into double boxes make up this hallway. It allows a hide and go seek feel to the bases, and can cause havoc, as well as excellent killing opportunity's in MLG Gametypes. OVERVIEW In this picture you can see the centerpeice and the back wall in the background. MAULER SPAWN (BOTTOM SIDES) A simple hallway dividing the two sides, symmetrical with mauler spawns on both sides. CENTER HALLWAY One of the two similiar hallways that give an enclosed feel to this large map, a Battle Rifle and Covenant Carbine Spawns on Either Side. CENTERPIECE MERGING An Open Single Box surrounded by fence walls, Rockets spawn inside this strucure. BASE Two wall corners to make it enclosed, and the sunken single boxes afore mentioned, these bases are very original. Red and Blue signified by oversheilds and active camo. OVERVIEW OF BASE Just another veiw of the base MERGED STEP A fence wall merged into the base, allowing for an easy jump into the base, and sometimes an easy escape. ACTION SHOTS Pictures of me and my friends testing out the map. GO TO BUNGIE COMMENT RATE AND DOWNLOAD PLEASE, I KNOW ULL LIKE IT AGIN THE LINK IS http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=24324270 TELL ME WHAT U THINK! SPECIAL THANKS TO xbrokenxangelx FOR IMAGING AND THIS POST!
Wow, really good map. Know I am the person who gives. Pro's and Con's so don't hate me. I guess the layout and the bowl shaped structure from the picture I saw are really good I like the map but some parts could use some straigtning, can't wait for your other maps... And have a good time in Forgehub.
Nice map, the centerpiece is the definitely the best part. Some areas look a bit bland, but besides that it looks like a fun map.
yea its a good map but its not really mlg also it looks like you can get out of the map with the spaces in those cannons.
hey this is a nice map is it all the same each side cause that is what i thought had to be in a MLG but it is a really nice map 10/10
great map overall i love the crater (i'll have to implement some variation of that technique in my next map) 8.2/10 solid map but could be cleaned up a bit
ok thanks and i hope u played it too cuz i kno ull be please and thanks 4 ur support i just dont how to get a wider audience cuz im getting low dowloads i have like 16 and i had to reset my post on bungie cuz i fixed a double box that didnt spawn on start and it was 16 dl and now is only 13
Looks very nice! 3 power weapons seems a little excessive though... for a Foundry MLG map at least. Snipers tend to be too overpowered on foundry MLG maps, due to their open design. Try onslaught with a Sniper some time... Though if you limit them to a single clip, it reduces their effectivness to an acceptable level. Aside from that it looks like it would play well, though looking at the pics, it'd do the map a world of good to go back and touch it up a bit, their are a few things that just don't do the map justice, such as a few objects not sitting straight and the center corridoor not matching up properly. Just very small astetic things that someone who's not pedantic (guilty) wouldn't notice.
every wep has no spare clips, and this map is different because its not open at all and snipers wud be at a dissavantage
Having an enclosed map severly limits it's ability to host MLG gametypes, as Snipers and BRs need similar sight-lines. If the snipers are at a real disadvantage, then it may be a good idea to remove them, or it'll be like having a mauler on Avalanche, it's useful in about 1/16th of the map. Also, if it's a MLG map, it's important to have standard MLG weapon set ups. Not sure for carbines but for BRs, it's 2 spare clips and a 30 sec respawn. 180 sec respawn for power weapons and a few other things, I'll have to find out, but you can just look at the Official MLG maps and check there. Also, don't take offense if someone critisises somthing on a map (not saying you have, just for future note), the best way to improve a map and get it to it's fullest potential is to take into account things that people have said about it, espically if it's somthing that's comming up a lot. That way, if you do a v2 it'll be that much better than it would have been otherwise!