--- Hello Everyone! Today I bring you the Flag Chaser V2 Map and Gametype! PLEASE VIST THE ORIGINAL POST FOR MORE INFORMATION: ->FLAG CHASER ORIGINAL POST<- --- WHATS NEW: Everything is basicly the same ad the original but it now supports up to 16 Players (up to 8v8)! The improved gametype fixes bugs that affected the flag carrier. The flag carrier can now only move 25% but can take 200% damage. This is more fairer to the flag carrier as they took 50% in V1. There is also A New Roof, Tele System, And New Starting Spawn points made with the help from "Redearth Adam". Also 4 new re-spawn points added per team in the main area (6 total) --- NEW PICS: -- New Starting Spawn points in Capture areas -- New Main Area --- LINKS: FLAG CHASER ORIGINAL POST -- FLAG CHASER V2 MAP! -- FLAG CHASER V2 OFFICAL GAMETYPE! --- Thanks! Comment\Rate\Download!
but it might be necro posting, plus noone would see the new one, cause the old one is lost in the community pages
Its hard to tell what your map is like so please add more pics. Next time try not taking your pics in forge it is distracting and it makes maps look messy.
I Provided a link to the old post which mainly contained just action pics and Like 1 or 2 demonstational pics and some info about the game. FLAG CHASER ORIGINAL POST
NOTE1: This is not necroposting My V1 was made YESTERDAY! NOTE2: I took the photo in forge because I wanted to show the new spwan points
I loved Flagchaser, but a V2, thank you! this map is guaranteed to be fun, I really enjoy playing it.
well it looks a little basic in concept but with all of the interlocking it looks good. So not much creativity is definetly a downside 3/5.
I think he's supposed to make a new one if it is v2. Correct me if I'm wrong but basically everybody does because it technically is a new map. The map still seems to have the same flaws as the other one although they've been slightly tweaked. Even though you have more receiver nodes, you can still tele kill. The map still just consists of boxes, which isn't very complex, or unique. If I were you, i would have scrapped this map and made a new one.
Glad to help diger. All right guys, I'm his close friend, and I'm helping him learn the basics of posting so don't take it too hard on him. I'll explain the map. It's basically a small action arena, where it's one flag. Multi flag doesn't really work. It's made for 2v2 to 4v4. Plus it's confusing because you take the flag to one base, to realize It belong at the other base. I can say he is majorly improving it though.
Sorry for a late post.. but I have added a red barrel ontop of Red's teleporter so it is now eaisier to see what tele is what. (forgot to add in post)
ok first things first, the swamp does not like the merging, u suck, it should be call *** chaser instead