i cant download any maps because the account connected to my gamertag is an aol account and i changed the password online and i dont remember the old password which means i cant change to my hotmail and register on bungie.net.....help....pls...its life or death...
Do you have a secret question or something for your email? You know, like "What's your mother's maiden name?". You could aways complain to tech support.
zoltan0- when i said help i ment help me figure out where to go to find the password....something like that.. Soviet Skibum- i know the emails new password not the 1 on my xbox
Psh, that aint nuttin. I can't remember my Live password, and I can't remember the email password, and the email is expired, needs to be renewed, and to renew it, I have to answer security question about a birthday that has random numbers. Ya, i iz ****ed and so are you =D
You're missing the point of this whole ForgeHub thing. It's not all about downloading maps! It's a social place where we chat and have fun. Get active.