My map Warsaw is used only for FFA variants such as , slayer, oddball , and King of the hill. But not infection!! This is a competitive map that is a smallish - but fun map that you can play on hours worth of time , or possibly alot more a day.THis is a fun map that represents an execution house that was abandoned or , "left to dust" by the owners. "warsaw' was later founded by the UNSC and used as a central training area for recruiting spartans. The map has a list of weapons including " Spartan Laser , Rocket launcher , Gravity Hammer , Magnums , SMG's , Beam rifles , sniper rifles , Needlers, Plasma rifles, battle rifles , plasma pistols , energy swords , assault rifles, and equipment... . I guarantee that you will enjoy this map. It has small features and large ones that you will notice in your gameplay and you will figure why i posted this up after you play it . [IMG][/IMG] Download here > : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Looks pretty good. Only a few complaints, first, don't rate your own map. Second, there might be too many power weapons. Third, I don't like how you have to crouch so much. Positively, the interlocking and design of the map is nice and it seems well forged.
The map is good and has very good interlocking. GREAT FIRST POST! Welcome to forgehub! There is no reason for the double post though. If you do it again you will probably recieve an infraction. If people didn't recomend DLing than I'm sure they wouldn't take the time to post it. I see a lot of cool forgeing 101 tricks and techniques I'm very glad you used them on your first map. P.S. This is the best first post ever!!!
my thumb would hurt after playing this map to many power weps for an enclosed small space, if some guy has a launcher in a teenie tunnel the other geus gonna get it nice forging techniques
Warsaw is the capital of Poland. Your map is alright. I see some places where interlocking could have been better but other than that it seems pretty tight.
map looks pretty cool, there may be too many power weapons, i think it has a cool layout though. prob like a 4/5
like everyone elses opinion i beleive it does have to many powerweapons but it is good that you have to crouch for the rockets cause then ur screwed if people throw gernades. i like this map its well forged and has a nice layout from what i can see good first post and welcome to forgehub. im gonna dl and check it out.
Hey looks like you did a nice job here. My only concern would be too many weapons on the map. Although it looks like you did a generally good job. P.S. Don't double post
well it looks good, but there is a bit of crouching, and i dont like tht. second, it looks dirty, i don't understand why everyone uses all walls because they don't look good on a map
This map has too many power weapons and is too cramped. I suggest you redesign your map and present it with less clutter, a minimal amount of power weapons, and give it more space for a large amount of players.
Wow the layout is great but theres to much power weapons close to eachother if you make a V2 maybe even it out more like not to much power weapons.
This map looks pretty good, only the crouching seems like it would get a bit annoying. Nice interlocking, looks pretty clean for the most part. Like most people have said, there is an over-abundance of power weapons. All in all, great first map.
I'm glad you interlocked but it looks a bit sloppy. I also don't really like tunnel maps but nice try.
A pretty good looking map, but I don't think this would be good for slayer. Having to crouch all the time makes you slow. I won't hurt your thumb because you can let go of the toggle when in an enclosed ceiling area. But overall, I'll give it a 4/5
I have a v2 made im gonna wait a week to release all my other maps. Oh and You only have to crouch at two part the otehr part youre thinking of has a small ceiling but un-needed for your joysticks attention.all i could manage of changing was the power weapons but maybe then there will be less complaints.
This is a great map but there are waayy too many power weapons. Maybe release a V2 with a more balanced layout. Also, isn't Warsaw a country or the name of that one free quake rip off?