Yep the third and probobly last armor fusion map is done. This time you can now add up to 3 or 4 people to fusions or just do a regular 2 way one. I also added a power up so you can sync better. Turrets: Take Aim: Result: How to use: Ok well all you need to do its get you and up to 4 friends on the turrets and you all look at the custom power up I hope you all Enjoy Main Armor Fusion Thread Download Link
Wow it looks like what you would get if you took a whale carcass and shoved it into a badger. Great job!
what is next these maps are amazing you should make a 8 way one that has 4 plasma and regular turrets
Freaking awesome-sauce. You have just created the most un-useless device in Forge. Can we do Elites and Spartans yet?
yes I made a post about it somewhere on here but if you are to lazy to look just click on the main thread
Awesome map, I'm gonna totally download it! It looks sweet! I'd Merge security with elites and stuff once I get my hands on this!
haha this is wicked cool, its not exactly a map, but who cares. pure aweomseness, and hilariarity, love it. Bro
**** cracker that is awesome. this is so freaking crazy cool. SWEET! thats all i can say. random unrelated compliments. but yeah nice job. that pic you got is really cool.
OMG tht looks SOOO sick nd tht turret looks rly thick! the only thing i had trouble with was knowing when to stop in theatre to take the pic because they kept breathing up and down
I think anyone could really do this, so I'm not going to download, but still, it was a nice idea to share with the community. F***ing ittle kids fill up my message lists with screenshots like that though, saying that if I "send it to 50 friends I gets armor!"
lol yeah I got spammed for my own idea too lol. I either get a *OMFG YOU GOT RECONZ FOR THAT* or *OMFG HOW DID YOU GETZ THAT ARMORZ*