
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mechutu, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Mechutu

    Mechutu Ancient
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    Supports Slayer:

    This map is my first Competative map and I think it is very well done. The map has a giant wall of double boxes on their side and between that and the wall I created a two story area. On the other side of the wall their is the crate side and the base. All the crates are geo-merged into the ground and everything is interlocked.


    Boxes that are geomerged.

    Different angle showing the base.

    An overview of the base.

    Inside the Base.

    Other side of wall.

    Another angle of top floor.

    Bottom floor.

    Other side of bottom floor.

    Energy Sword spawn.


    Thanks to Hakus Shadow and Black Underoath for help testing the map.
    Download Selgular
  2. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    looks very good. i love how the sword spawn looks with all the backwards man cannons. i also like how you have outside bases and an inside area. goodjob. 4/5
  3. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    nice energy sword spawn and and geomerging! this is a really well made map! love the gameplay and love the cover. 5/5
  4. zoner117

    zoner117 Ancient
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    This map looks very good, especially the sword spawn. I will DL ASAP.

    By the way... []xxx[]::::::::::::::::::::::::::>
  5. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    very well done with interlocking and geomerging!
    just one thing the area with the forklift looks very confined
  6. Mechutu

    Mechutu Ancient
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    Which forklift are you talking about cause there are two? and thanks for all the comments!!!!:)
  7. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    That sword spawn looks sick! The map looks clean too. Very nice use of the advanced techniques. +1 DL for you.

    I'll do a forgethrough later and tell you how the map plays.
  8. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this is a very nice map really good geomerging i would like to see an overview thought or some pics of this being played on
  9. screenhunter69

    screenhunter69 Ancient
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  10. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    First impression of the map when i loaded it up for my forgethrough was that it would best suit asymetrical gametypes. After looking around the map though i came to realise that the non-two storey side arguabley offers better cover in some respects as well as more options for moving around so i feel that the map would hold up ok in a team slayer game.

    Many of the boxes are nicely geo-merged into the floor and the extensive wall that blocks the map in is very nicely interlocked and for the most part smooth where it needs to be.

    It is however possible to escape the map at one point. In the first screenshot of the post the top right corner is the dreaded part of foundry that sticks out underneath the ceiling and is very annoying. From the barrier closest to it(next to sniper) it is possible to jump up onto the lip of this annoying piece of the original foundry and then walk out of the map through a gap only just big enough.

    For all your nice interlocking and geo-merging you have not really bothered with the fence walls in screenshot four and when i was running over them i found massive bumps and lips which need to be addressed.

    The sword spawn area is a great asethetic touch and i really like it. The use of soft objects like the forklifts, barrels etc around the map also help improve the maps asethetics and are also a big help to player movement between different heights so double thumbs up for that. The lower storey is definately not too confined its just right and has a good amount of cover inside it.

    Your weapon placement i found a bit odd. I like what you have done with the shotgun box having it lower so you must crouch in and out but dual maulers in one place is a bad idea in my opinion. Also you have a lot of doubled up dual weildable weapons. Nothing really wrong in that but maybe add some diversity to it. Rather than using the same weapon twice place an SMG and Plasma Rifle together instead, variety is also good. Even number of Battle Rifles on both sides of the map but i think they are two close together and should be more spread out. I also think that you should move the Sniper Rifle to the opposite end of that lower wall swap it with the SMG's at the moment i feel it is way too close to the Rocket Launcher.

    The stairs and holes you have placed so you can go from the lower storey to the higher one is something i do not like. Players are forced to jump up there and i think it would be much beter for gameplay if players were able to walk up and were not forced into jumping up there. All of the barriers ontop of the lower wall are also at a danger of being thrown around by the rockets this could make the map very messy as they fall over the lower areas and potentially whilst falling they might hurt or even kill a damaged player. Which although it might be quite funny would not go down well in a competitive game.

    The map is incredibley well built and looks great. The weapons placed suit the map well and offer both close and long range combat but some locations and duals need to be reconsidered. You also need to make a minor adjustment if possible to prevent people being able to escape the map. If you were able to address some of these issues the map would certainly improve and go from being a good map to a great one.

    Good luck with your future maps
    I SeNTiNeL I
  11. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    map looks well made, you clearly took time to make it looks good, play goood, and run good. honestly though (no one flip on me) im really not sure why, but i dont like the layout, its not too open or anything, idk just soething about it bothers me.
  12. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    do you want a cookie for geomerging the open boxes? Besides there are some nice features in this map but it still strikes me as noobish. Maybe it's the layout or just the arraignment of boxes in a fort. Keep going it'll probably get better.
  13. Mechutu

    Mechutu Ancient
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    I SeNTiNeL I, wow that was a really thought out review and thanks for looking at my map and providing all the suggestions and I'll have to get right on fixing it expect version 2.0 pretty soon. ;)
  14. darth ky

    darth ky Ancient
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    Looks great! I love the geomerging, because I hate having to jump into boxes. The base and sword spawn are unique and original. Good work! 9/10
  15. xOWNAGE27x

    xOWNAGE27x Ancient
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    I have 2 say wow sentinel dat must have taken pretty long lol. but anyways nice map very good 4/5. :mad: xbox still isnt back.
  16. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    this map looks like it has a great competative feel
    the wepon placement and which weps they are is a little skewed and those goemerged dub open boxes look very tilted and slopy.
    try to generaly straiten out the map
  17. Nan0teck

    Nan0teck Ancient
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    Lol, damn Sentinel...nice review. If you're still watching this thread, Mech, I'll write a review of my own. Sentinel already mentioned most of the pros and cons of this map (there were some things he didn't mention though), so I'll keep it brief.

    As Sentinel already mentioned, the fence wall ramps in the 3rd and 4th screenies are very bumpy and I also needed to jump over one of them after getting stuck. In an intense firefight, this would get you killed very easily. The weapon placements could be a little better as well. Two maulers + two plasma grenades beside a sword = st4x? The BRs are a bit too close together, and the respawn times for the power weapons and equipment are too short. There were also not enough respawn points on the map. I found myself constantly spawning right beside an enemy. There was one point on the map that was breakable, but it's not too serious because you really can't do much once you're out. One last thing...there are too many fusion coils on the map. Sure, it's fun to shoot them and blow up the forklifts, but they spawn back too fast and this can be abused in a competitive game.

    That's it for the cons, now on to the pros.

    The sword spawn is a really nice aesthetic touch. I love how you used those mancannons, that's genious man. The sniper rifle is up on a high location, but there's plenty of cover on the map which balances it. There were some areas in the map that needs to be fixed, but other than that, the map looks nice and clean. The weapons and locations offer a good balance between close-quarters combat and mid-range firefighting. Overall, the map was very well built, but I think a v2 may be in order to make this map even better.

    Good luck and keep forging!
  18. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    That sword spawn will get you tons of downloads.

    Including me most likely.
  19. The Juice Guy

    The Juice Guy Ancient
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    it looks good but it kust seems like you geomerged just to show people that you can but other than that it looks good

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