Hello everybody! This is an infection map I've been working on for a while. I was inspired to make a Ghost Town map when I saw an awesome one a few weeks ago called Salvation City 2. This is probably the second Ghost Town map I've seen, and the first I've made. It's hard to make a map on here, everything is so bumpy and the Forge options are awful. But I tried... Description: This map has many ramps and bridges to allow faster travel across buildings and to and from the ground. These new paths can either be of use to the humans or zombies, depending on the situation. Always try and remember what old paths are blocked off though, because walking into a dead end which used to be open reduces your chance of survival. At the begining the humans will come across Rocket Launchers, Shotguns, Battle Rifles and Turrets to use, which may seem unbalanced. But after a minute has passed the sun begins to go down, and the zombies are given an advantage. As the game continues the map grows darker and darker, allowing the infected to kill any stragglers. Certain parts of the map will also appear quickly in the game, giving the humans an advantage in the early parts. Also, be sure to look above lockers and in cracks in the walls, you may find a few extra weapons to help fight off the infected. Story: During 2552 the Covenant introduced a biological virus to the water systems of Voi. This virus killed many, and those in the water plants developed strange symptoms. They would die, reanimate and kill their former friends and allies. This attracted the UNSC, who sent a team to one plant in particular and destroyed the only exit out. The remaining UNSC forces have set up a small camp in hope of fending off the infected, but will it hold? Download: Download Map Download Gametype Screenshots: The Main Base A Secondary Base/Outpost The "Wall" Greenhouse Tower Example of Destructable Doors/Barricades Beware of the Green Glow Don't Forget Their Swords Spot the Zombie... Yes, They're Good Hiders Day-Night Cycle:
I like how you made it get darker with combinations of filters, ghost town looks pretty spooky after dark.
not forged anything on ghost town but this makes me want to nice work looks like you have really changed the way it plays
I completely support you using ghost town[look at the maps in my sig] but too many people use the "getting darker" effects-especially on this map and infection, but please, if you're gonna use ghost town, for ghost town's sake, don't do infection- do something original with it
yeah i like the sun cycle idea but some are better than others. this is an example of better. looks good, a solid 10/10 i'd say. and yes, there have been similar ideas, but each one (pretty much) has an original twist, and this on'es is really good.
wow nice use of ghost town thats very unique and different, but u used the i am legend v4 idea of making it get darker so ill give u a 4/5 =] good idea
i like the day to night effects on the map. this is one good map on ghost town amongst tons of bad ones.
this reminds me of the only other map on ghost town, which is i am legend, but that map was inside, and this looks really cool. i would make another tower towards the back