Xbox Developer Dead in Murder-SuicideVery sad news from Redmond, Wash. Melissa Batten, 36, a software development engineer in Microsoft's Xbox division, was murdered by her estranged husband, who then shot himself to death, earlier this week. Batten, a Harvard-educated lawyer, was a Software Development Engineer in Test for Microsoft, supporting Rare on its 360 titles work. She had worked for Microsoft since 2002, earning credits in Halo 3 and Gears of War as an SDET. Earlier, as a lawyer, she had been a public defender for the Mecklenburg County (Charlotte, N.C.) Public Defender's Office. Her husband, Joseph Batten, was also 36. He had also worked for Microsoft but most recently worked for Wizards of the Coast, publisher of hobby games such as Magic: the Gathering. Melissa had obtained a restraining order against her husband on July 21. Another news story describes Joseph Batten as obsessive and verbally abusive, and when she learned he had obtained a handgun, she sought the protection order. This is a video from Coin-Op TV showing Melissa at E3 discussing Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts:
Wow that's sad, did they say anything about why he did it or any clues on why he would? This isn't one of your better news/article topics, also the video doesn't work for me.
Ya, I saw this yesterday on G4 - The Feed. I don't see how someone could just kill the one they love. Mental illness or drugs most likely. In other news, Reynbow posts more news.
I don't get people who are so selfish that they take someone down with them. If you're going to kill yourself, so be it. There is no reason to kill someone else before killing yourself. This reminds me of another story: My friend's sister's friend's dad (I know him personally) was driving home from work. It was late at night and was going about 55mph (the posted speed limit). He slowed down for some kids that were crossing the road about 200 feet ahead of him. They finished crossing 100 feet ahead of the car, the car now going about 45mph. The kid then waved and smiled at Bob (the driver), just before jumping in front of the car, killing himself. Its sad that he had to involve someone else in his suicide. Bob was emotionally scarred and couldn't even look at his own car without shaking uncontrollably. He had to have his son sell the car for him. IF YOU'RE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF, PLEASE DON'T INVOLVE SOMEONE ELSE IN IT.
Whoa for a second i thought this was one of my xbox live fiends, i been friends with since the second day i got xbox live. She looks just like her, and is the same age, but i read the name, and it said Melissa and my frineds name is Melanie, both of them worked at microsoft, melanie, used to work in the XNA devopler area, now she works under some windows department.