Achievement junkie

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CANNON, Aug 5, 2008.


Why do you buy games for?

  1. The achievements

    0 vote(s)
  2. Actual Game


    CANNON Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello everyone.

    I was wondering if you play games for fun or do you just buy them for the achievements.

    Also here is a list of the of the easiest games to obtain achievements ( for the people who are interested):

    Avatar: TLA: Five minutes for 1000 points.
    Bionicle Heroes: Fun and easy 800+.
    BioShock: One of the best games of 2007. Easy 700+ points for playing through once.
    Bourne Conspiracy: Short game, easy points.
    Bully: SE: Easy 1000.
    College Hoops 2k6: Easy 800+.
    Dead Rising: Mostly easy and very fun.
    DiRT: 700+ easy points just for finishing the career mode.
    Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: Earning all 1250 points isn’t all that hard, but it takes a while to do it.
    Enchanted Arms: You get all of them for playing through the game once.
    FIFA Street 3: Very easy 1000+ with the DLC.
    Fight Night Round 3: Very, very easy to earn all 1000. Just play single-player.
    Forza 2: Time consuming, buy easy 1000.
    Fuzion Frenzy 2: Very easy to get most of them in an afternoon.
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Very easy. Just play through the game for 700+.
    Jumper: Griffin’s Story: Easy and quick 500+.
    King Kong: You get all 1000 just by playing through the game.
    LEGO Indiana Jones: Easy 1000.
    Lego Star Wars II: You earn most of them by playing through the game normally.
    LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga: Fairly easy 1000, but it takes a while to get them.
    Lost: Via Domus: Very easy 1000.
    Madden NFL 06: Very easy to get all 1000 in an afternoon. It takes a while to sim 30 years of franchise, though.
    Madden NFL 07: Not as stupid-easy as Madden 06, but you can simulate games and earn most of the achievements.
    Madden NFL 08: Very easy 1000. Sim through games to get them fast.
    NBA 2K6: Insanely easy to earn all 1000. Lower the difficulty and extend the time to a full 48 minutes and you can get them all in one game.
    NBA Live 06: Pretty easy.
    NBA Street Homecourt: Crazy easy.
    NCAA March Madness 07: Set the clock to a full 40 minutes, put the difficulty as low as it goes, and score, steal, rebound, and all of that good stuff as much as possible to earn some easy achievements.
    Need for Speed Most Wanted: You earn all 1000 by simply playing through the game.
    NHL 2k6: Easy 700+.
    Open Season: Easy 1000.
    Phantasy Star Universe: Very easy as all of them are earned through playing the single player.
    Prey: You get 600+ points just playing through the story missions, and since you can never die it is insanely easy.
    Scene It: LCA: Easy. And FUN!
    Spider-Man: Friend or Foe: Very easy 925 on one play through. The last 75 take a bit more work.
    Surf’s Up: Easy 950.
    TMNT: Extremely easy 1000.
    Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland: Easy 800+ for THPS vets.
    Viva Pinata Party AnimalsCrazy easy.
    Viva Pinata: Very, very easy. It takes a while, but the game is so addictive you'll keep playing till you get all 1000.
    WWE Smackdown 2008: Very easy. Find a guide for easy “Manager of the Year”.
    X-Men 3: Play through the game to earn them all.

    So guys what do you do?

    Thanks ;)
  2. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    some games i rent/buy for the achievements, and some games i rent/buy for the pleasure. thanks for the list btw!!!!!
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Why would you need a score counter to show off the amount of time you spend too much on video games?
  4. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Some people like getting achievements and people like you think it's a waste of time.

    When I get a game I like to get majority of the achievements.
  5. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Yeah, but it's like getting a score on something like a 'having fun' test. If you don't have enough fun, you get a lower score.

    That's basically the logistic behind it.
  6. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    yeah basically, but some people do go over board with them though. Having 294177 gamerscore is just plain no-life.

  7. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I like getting achievements. Though I don't buy games for them. I like getting all the achievements because I'm a bit of a perfectionist.

    I do have a few games I rented for GS but only a few. I generally don't buy or rent games for the achievements. I just get them for the game.

    CANNON Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thats like what i do.

    Some of my friends don't stop playing the game untill they get the achievements.

    Thanks for posting ;)
  9. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I buy games for the games ..
    I hate it when people by crap games for the achievements ..
    You do it sometimes Cannon =]
  10. CANNON

    CANNON Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, mainly rented. I basically done it because every laughed at how much gamerscore i had.

    Now i'm sitting comfortable with 7,070

  11. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    But who cares what people think ?
    I have 15000 because my bro tries to get achievements but he doesn't buy/rent games for achievements ..
  12. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I used to hire games for the sole reason of Gamerscore, that was like last year.
    I dont care about gamerscore that much anymore, its cool but I'm not obsessed with it.
    I own those games. I bought all of them because I wanted the game, the gamerscore was simply an extra.
    I've gotten all for Fight Night: 1000
    All but 1 for SvR 2008: 980
    Bioshock I havent played in a long while because of the weird controller scheme.
    Scene it I picked up really cheap, and I'm really glad I got it. It is a great party game and I'm trying to get all achies for it.
    Bourne Conspiracy I bought because its an awesome game and the fighting system is so much fun.

    So yeah, no longer do I get a game for gamerscore, for games I enjoy I aim to get most acheivements for, but I dont buy or hire games purely for gamerscore.

    Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, my gamerscore is 21, 635
  13. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I love hearing the bleep bloop sound but spending money just to show off just a few digits is a waste
  14. soregz132

    soregz132 Ancient
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    why does every1 try and get achievement points? i just get points cuz im good at games and not cuz i want to
  15. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well i get most of my achievements by accident!
    Well most of the achievements i personally get are doing levels or something good online .. =]
  16. Flames290

    Flames290 Ancient
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    I play games for fun and achievements. Yes I am in sort a Achievenment junkie. I've rented about one or two games for achievements. My offline profile that does'nt have Xbox Live has over 14,000 points on it.

    I don't know why I like to get achievement points. They mean nothing, have no worth, and are just to show.
  17. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    i just play games and i get them as i go along
    i sometimes when im bored i go and get the ones i missed
  18. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I only have 910 GS. I play for fun, not achievements
  19. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    i got 7019 but iv played alot of games
  20. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
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    What's the point of playing a game for achievements? There is none. Achievements are just extra challenges to try out while playing the game. I didn't buy GTA 4 just so I could fly under some bridges!

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