Do you know any good sig tutorials videos on youtube? Because lately everyone has been complaining about how basic my sigs are .. And to be honest im not the mess around on GIMP kind of guy .. And i want a vid with advanced stuff because when i search on youtube it's all beginner stuff which i either already know or is just rubbish .. Thanks for anyone who helps .. Boydy =]
i feel your pain Boydy, i usually just search GIMP 2 tutorial to look for them. but i know another site (Veoh) that hosts videos. try searching there
Well this site is ok .. But most of the tutorials i liked were in a different language which isn't cool .. Any specific vids of youtube which are good ? And not too n00by =]
No. If you took 1 minute and looked around the site, you'd notice that there is a search function. 'GIMP', is your keyword.