Map Title: Laser Hallway Hey! Watch out you almost hit me. Download Map Download Gametype Description: Laser hall way is a game were the attacking team has to bring a flag up a hall way with minimal cover and lots of explosives. the defenders are stationed behind some up right stairs with two gauss hogs and various other weapons. All their guns can shoot through the stairs at the flag carrier and friends. All players have waypoints so that they can be shot at with a bit more accuracy since the stairs mess with the gauss shots and make the needles not track. the flag has to be moved to the base of the stairs right in front of the defenders. the mobility can be changed for varying levels of difficulty. Defenders side Hall pic 1 hall pic 2 attacker start flag score Have fun and give me some feed back. I want to make this as good as possible
Oh wow, this looks cool! Pretty original concept, and I'm sure that it's a lot of fun. I can see this being adapted for a few other game modes, all of which can be fun.
Original, I'll give you that! I really like the idea of the map as it is challenging yet need strategy... If you could make the hallway a bit longer that would be great becuase it looks a bit easy but I know it will be hard to do. Hope this map does well
Wow 5/5 Vary Original I Never Knew You Could Shoot Through Stairs Though Anyways I Think You Made It Work And Look Vary Good And Again Nice Forging
i think its awsome how the defenders dnt move n shoot at what they can barley see, ill download it for defo, totaly original. 5/5
You can shoot through stairs!!!!???!!!??? Wow you're a genius, if I where you Id'e make it known you came up with this idea before people start copying you.
great idea i love it. I love things were you have to move right into the danger. Ill download for sure.
This is an original map that could probably be my favorite objective map ever. I will download ASAP. Great Map
Holy ****, you can shoot through stairs! zomg! I'm serious...that's pretty damn original and looks very fun. I could see that this will become a very popular minigame. DL'ed!
wow this looks like a great minigame map. The only thing I think you could of improved on is the neatness and making the hallway longer. neatness is ok though im not saying its bad. Nice job 5/5 great concept
nice idea! i am glad the defenders can't see cause that would be soooooo cheap. Just, AMAZING, idea! 5/5
pretty awsome man love the idea um not all the way origanal but its a new concept and better. the old way was that one person would push objects into the man cannon and it would kill you and you tryed to get the flag to the end but your way is better nice job 10/10
i like the idea but you should ether make the hall wider or longer to make it harder for the attackers.