Scripted events: Good or Bad?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Kapura, Jan 27, 2008.

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  1. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    How do you all personally feel about using delayed spawns to make specific events happen? Also, does anyone know any good tricks for making scripted events?
  2. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    scripted events, like all elements of map building, are only good if done well.
    For example, Cat n' Mouse has a scripted event that drops fusion coils on a crate in order to allow the mice time to get ready for the cats.
    Fusion coils are one of the easiest ways to do scripted events, such as dropping them to destroy grav lifts, unblock teleporters, and even kill a player.
    Some scripted Events have player activated triggers, a good example of this is the scoring system on the Honour Rules free soccer map variant, which has the soccer ball, when knocked into the net by the player, toppling fusion coils onto the defenders V.I.P, killing him, and giving the other team a point.
    Another example of a player triggered, scripted event is the elevator on Rat's Nest.
    This functions with an "empty container" fitted on rollers and containing a grav lift.
    When a player throws a nearby deployable cover onto the grav lift, it pushes the container up, the container comes back down again after the deployable cover and/or the grav lift is destroyed. Another way to make this is without a permanent grav lift, and the player has to throw a portable grav lift in as well as the deployable cover.
  3. FallDamage

    FallDamage Ancient
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    Done well, scripted events can add a lot of character and uniqueness to a map. Which is great because it makes your map memorable and stand out from all the other 'crate maps'
  4. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    i try to incorporate scripted it is but it ma events in all my maps. they add something; idk what the map unique
  5. OctoDeath

    OctoDeath Ancient
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    I really like the idea of scripted events so long as they're functional. I've tried experimenting with delayed fusion coils, and scenery but I always ask whether it actually benefits the map or not.

    Saying that, I've made a race map in Foundry that has a scripted event which I think works quite well. After two minutes of racing round another, raised route appears. It's not 100% necessary but it gives players something else to do, as well as acting as a little shortcut, that then joins the main track again.
  6. o2oGodsMistake

    o2oGodsMistake Ancient
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    I think scripted events are good. they always can make the game much better. The most common one used is the fusion coils, you can also you man cannons and grav lifts if you can to.
  7. bornslayer05

    bornslayer05 Ancient
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    I think scripted events are great when they are done well, but when done badly they pretty much suck.
  8. xxBRYTExx

    xxBRYTExx Ancient
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    a scripted event must work 100% of the time to be good.
  9. JediWithASniper

    JediWithASniper Ancient
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    I think scripted events add a lot to a game, I am currently working on one where it appears that you have no other alternative but to stand and fight, but if you last long enough, stairs will appear and allow you to fall back a bit, giving you a slight breather before combat reaches it's peak again. Should turn out good, I hope.
  10. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    It's good... that's why there is a Forging 101 on this topic... but as everyone said... it must be done well.
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