Anyone Sick of Foundry?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by freezefry, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. Ki Jason

    Ki Jason Ancient
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    why are you guys complaining about foundry maps, foundry is awesome, you can build so many things and the good maps on foundry are awesome.
  2. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    Far Cry: Instincts had the awsomest map editor i've ever seen. You could make anything from underwater caves to a Grand Canyon inspired Glider-Wars map.

    More on topic, i made a map on standoff but no one except Furious and one other person really had anything to say about it. It had a kinda boring name (Ship Assault) so i'm not surpirsed it went realtively un-noticed.
  3. Buckshot

    Buckshot Ancient
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    Im not sick of foundry, because like others have said it is the easiest to create great maps on.
  4. Lemonyguy47

    Lemonyguy47 Ancient
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    I FEEL YOUR PAIN! :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_nono: :squirrel_evil: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_shiftyeyes: :(

    Ive made several non foundry maps and am working on some others and may release them in the near future... hopefully this will reduce the all foundriness-ness if they go over well :squirrel_giggle:

    - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
  5. Buckshot

    Buckshot Ancient
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    yeah when people realize the others potentional there will be an influx
  6. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    The only bit of Foundry I'm sick of is the damned uneven walls. If any of the other maps had the potential that foundry has for making completely new maps, I would use them just as often. BUT THEY DON'T. Bungie knew that if they made it, we would build, and so we have, and shall, until a better map to forge on is released.
  7. bornslayer05

    bornslayer05 Ancient
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    I like many others who have posted here, am not sick of the capabilities of foundry, but i am a bit sick of its dreary, morbid surroundings.
  8. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Don't build anywhere but Foundry, unless the map your building can be better somewhere else. I've ran into this before, and if you do, don't use Foundry. Iceberg would not be possible without Standoff, and so I use Standoff. But if you can make it better on Foundry, use Foundry, you want to make your map as good as possible.
  9. MagicalMonkey93

    MagicalMonkey93 Ancient
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    I think that if Foundry was specifically made for usage in Forge it's normal that we see way more map variants on it then the other maps.
  10. Blazen Nite

    Blazen Nite Ancient
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    i'm a little sick.. but you have to admire when someone makes an amazing structure on it with interlocking, curves, etc.
  11. El Capitaine

    El Capitaine Ancient
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    like everyone else, I like foundry, but hate the dingy, warehouse feel. All the brown and whatever, not great. Someone above said they should've made it 8 red double, 8 blue double, and 8 brown double boxes or whatever instead of 24 brown ones.

    Well, when I first saw the videos of forge in august, and the guy edited a weapons properties and ammo and what not, I thought that menu would be used for far more things. Instead, its just Place at Start, Respawn Time, Symmetry, and for weapons Spare Clips.

    I think it would've been nice if bungie had taken this further. For example, for double boxes, added a Color option. Instead all foundry feels brown and dull.

    So things have to be really different to be noticeable (i.e., use a crapload of interlocking to make a new feel, or make a giant toilet) Just plain re-arrangements of Foundry are so commonplace now, it's just boring. Also, I hate Foundry's default config.
  12. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
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    I agree, the map "Foundry," but that's not the big issue that I have. The big issue i have is that foundry is the only real versitile map. Bungie needs to release some new maps that are easy to forge in.
  13. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
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    The first map I made in the new DLC map pack was on Rat's Nest. Hah I didn't really enjoy Foundry too much, it was way too small for my likings.
  14. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    I am more sick of the bland textures on the Foundry items than I am the board itself. I like the board because it is rectangular. That makes it easier to design things in it.

    What I'm also tired of is stupd maps created in Foundry. I get tired of downloading maps that stink. I include myself in that statement... A lot of my maps end up stinking it up also.

    I think there needs to be new objects. New objects of different colors, or textures would make a huge difference.
  15. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i was tired of foundry since it was first released.
  16. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    If you guys are sick of seeing foundry, after I finish my two maps on it I will move on to bigger and (probably not) better things to appease your needs.
  17. JoshJiggler

    JoshJiggler Ancient
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    I agree with the sentiment of the same VISUAL style on pretty much every map released by my fellow forgers is getting very old. If you look at the "stock" H3 maps, they vary wildly visually. Because of the ease (and plethora of...) building objects in Foundry it's the most popular right now.

    Personally, I like the challenge of building complex structures on the other maps. Visually, it often makes for a much more interesting map in my mind. Improvisation is the mother of innovation. I think if people really put their minds to it, they can build some of the awesome ideas they have on other (less used) maps.

    *shrug* Just my 2 cents...
  18. T3chnomonkey

    T3chnomonkey Ancient
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    I still haven't even gotten to forge on foundry, so by the time Heroic new maps go free, everyone will be super-sick of them :p .
  19. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I, for one, am perplexed as to why people complain so damn much about how ugly they think Foundry is, and how they want to change the weather and snap boxes to each other and add in new weapons and vehicles and blah blah blah.
    Perhaps it's because most don't even understand how to run parameters on a command line executable, let alone code a FPS like Halo 3.

    Deal with it. It's a map. If you don't like it, fine, do whatever the hell you want. I'll stick to Foundry because it allows more possibilities than non-DLC maps, and you can stick with your Infection games on Sandtrap.

    I mean, if complaining actually did anything, humans would probably be extinct, because everyone is such a whining little brat inside that we'd all kill each other.
  20. sendernode

    sendernode Ancient
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    Personally, I enjoy the creative aspects of Foundry. It's disappointing to me that our efforts in Foundry amount to "ugly grey warehouse" to you. But at the same time you represent a valid opinion shared by others.

    I can't change your mind in this thread, but it's just a matter of time before someone forces you to rethink that opinion by dropping a monster design that can't be denied.

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