so far I only have two maps on my fileshare. one is called Gutted Foundry: which is just Foundry with everything deleted, making it faster to start forging. My other map is called Enclosure, and in comparison to the amazing maps I have found on this site, it looks really slapped together. However; I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless. It is pretty muchly just a basic slayer map. oh, and I challange you to be the first of the forgehub users to find and get the energy sword on this map (it's not too hard).
ya sry 2 everybody/anybody that wnted to see my map. I is hard AT THE WORKS OF MA NEW MAP cASTLE. I will post a template of castle for anyone who wants to build on it, and I will post enclosure, then l8r i will post my variant of castle. I hope you enjoy editing my blank castle when I try to figure out how to post it sometime this,moving letters!