I am working on an art piece, this would be my first but i need a map that contains the following weapons: Assault Rifle Battle Rifle Beam Rifle Brute Shot Covenant Carbine Energy Sword Flamethrower Fuel Rod Gun Gravity Hammer Machine Gun Turret Magnum Mauler Missile Pod Needler Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Rocket Launcher Shotgun SMG Sniper Rifle Spartan Laser Spiker Am I out of luck or have i just missed this map? Any and all help would be much appreciated!!!
yeah my first thought was foundry, but i'm pretty sure it doesn't have the missle pod. how about sandtrap?
well actually not sandtrap. i think your just outa luck..sorry. bungie probably thought about stuff like this cuz that would be a frickin intense map.
Thanks MagicalMonkey93 and Killabeau, i was doing some more digging and found this link http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=2800.0, it was posted by vinny and lists all items on every level. I actually started in on Sandtrap but when i got to the part where i needed the plasma rifle..i couldnt find it...so ill go through that list and just see which has the most of what i need. Thanks to both of you for the help though. p.s. You are probably right KB, Im sure bungie thought if it already....oh well..ill make due Thanks Again!
I am pretty sure that snowbound has all of those weapons. The only one it might not have is the fuel rod gun. But I know for sure it has all the rest.
Snowbound doesn't have a Machine Gun Turret. I think Standoff has them all. I know it has the missle pod.
Snowbound doesn't have a Machine Gun Turret. [/quote] Yes it does, I made two different maps there with both plasma turrets, and machine gun turrets.
actually magicalmonkey93 was right, foundry had everything I needed, except the missle pod i think. But I do have another question, is there any way to manipulate a MG turret without it being on its tripod....i need the turret, not the tripod.
You can always tear off the turret from the tripod and drop it... Though it won't work so well in later matches...
Yes it does, I made two different maps there with both plasma turrets, and machine gun turrets. [/quote] That was uncalled for. Snowbound doesn't have missle pods anyway. (if it does NOBODY point it out)
I finally finished my art piece. If you are curious as to what i needed all those weapons for you can go here. Again, thanks for all of your help!