This game is very similar to the Call of Duty 4 game. There are 2 teams that go head to head. One team are the defenders and the other are attackers. The attackers have 1 bombs and 4 places to plant it. There should only be 3 but I hid one in a secret area. The defenders need to cover all the bomb areas and try to stop them. You only get ONE LIFE per round so don't run out and get killed. Your health never recharges either but I made the shields to 110%. Once the bomb explodes, all the teammates are dead, or the time limit is up. I hid super awesome guns throughout the level. They are super hidden where nobody expects them to be like bushes, cracks in buildings, etc... You need at LEAST 2 players but it's better with more. There is a special game type that you have to download. DOWNLOAD MAP HERE! : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing DOWNLOAD GAME TYPE HERE! : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing PICTURES The attackers building. Where the attackers start. This is bomb one. It is one of the options that you can choose to plant the bomb at. Bomb two. This is another option. Another option. Bomb 3. The teleporter that takes you to a secret place where Bomb 4 is at. Oh and the map is all differently colored it's not the normal color so it makes it a bit more challenging, so have fun!
very nice. this was the only gametype i played on CoD4. you shouldve made a regular and hardcore version like the CoD4. but i will DL
looks like it would be a fun map to play on if using the cod4 game type and looks like something from cod4 except im pretty sure cod4 didn't use teleporters 4.5/5 for me
looks cool but if you are going for the cod4 look i like the black and white but it would have looked cooler with gloomy.
yeah the game reminds me of cook of dooty 4 also i want to see more pics of the map cause it doesn't really look like you have done anything really.
i likw the idea, searh and destroy, which im pretty sure is what you were going for, is wicked fun. i like hardcore more. you coulda made a agmetype for that to, make it like 10 percent healt or something, i'd be fun. map looks fun, maybe a little more work could ave been put in, (maybe add moe pics)
Lol this is exactly what i was gonna do once i get my xbox back except on foundry.Nice but u need more pics and i dont realy see to much 2 this map. this is the second time my xbox broke.
I like the idea, but personally, I would make some changes. I don't like the FX, except for for pics. Give it back it's color! Secondly, it seems that, if only from the pics, you have only added bomb plants, changed spawns, weapons, and added tele's. Add some towers, structures, ect. Live a little! But, I do like the fact that it is very close to CoD4, and the fact that you have made a map on Ghost town. So I will dl. The bomb spawns do look good, though, so I'll have to give this a 6/10. Keep forging!
I'm afraid COD4 plays a little differently to Halo and so the bomb detonation places are a little easier to get to. It's relatively easy to get to 1 of the 4 options in Halo because once their, it is easy to defend as with COD4 a skilled soldier could wipe out the opposing teams players in a few, well-timed and aimed shots. Also the bomb only takes a few seconds to expload in Halo... If you have made changes to the map (e.g. weapon/spawn placement) please include it in your post. If not then that's fine.
I wanted to make a remake of search and destroy! Looks like a very good map though, so I can't wait to play.
wow pretty impresive. you should also try making it on other maps, like blackout or half of avalanche