Debate Were there ever any creature similar or like a Dragon

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chemical Wasp, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. cando4u

    cando4u Ancient
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    Well The KOMOTO is the only known But many Salimanders Have Dna Much Like a dragon But the Dragon Probably Mutated Over Time to Fit its Need Like How We Came From Apes Who Got Back Bones And stopped Hunching Over to walk Better :p
  2. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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  3. helzmessenger

    helzmessenger Ancient
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    wow i like this one... there had to have been dragons or something extremely simimal in ststure and attitude. this idea can be supported by the fact that there are many older texts that show/tell of large fire breathing creatures. the funny thing is that several places around the world have similar descriptions and artwork of large, winged, firebreathing, creatures. before you argue that trade and traveling people could have spread stories, i have to state that china (whom has ancient tales of dragons) was completely closed off to the world around the time "dragons" were supposed to exist. concidence?... i think not
  4. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Okay come on people.
    OMG everyone talk about it so it must exist.Thats ridiulous.
    If 300 people in every country suddenly believed in sasquatch it wouldnt make him real.
    Hell i'd say sasquatch is more likely to exist than dragons-at leasthes a creature that makes sense-
    And china was not cut off from the world by a long shot.
    Huge amounts of spices and silk were traded from the asians to europe.
    In fact china was probably oneof the more well known countries.
    Helmx dont make up facts for your argument,its an insult to OUR instellignece that you think we know nothing about this

    And the GREEKS and NORSE both have myths about dragons.You people seem to think asians are the only ones who can think of a flying reptile
    #44 Supa Midget, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2008
  5. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    There is also ancient texts that show the world as flat and show how the sun, planets and other stars revolve around the earth.
  6. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Nicely said. I have to go with them as a myth, because there are just too many missing links

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