Hi everybody!Hi doctor nick.... Basically my 2v2 team the mighty ducks needs a logo. Ive tried making one myself using GIMP(dont have photoshop ) but in laymans terms. I FAIL at GIMP and quite possibly at life So i am asking you the great and hopefully bored graphics community to make us a logo. To narrow things down a little,what i would like is something clear and simple.Im providing a vectorised duck for the logo Maybe edit in a Br or something but other than that do whatever you think looks good.Remember it needs to be 150x150 in dimensions. Thanks very much in advance Supa Midget,
Okay i think i got the idea of it. Can you add a rocket launcher similar opacy to the br lying flat along the bottom of the M. Change the M to a turqoise colour and the D to a dark green. Then make the backgrouund white... or depending on how that looks a circular background of <colour of your choice> I think thatll do it thanks linu
No problem, glad to help. As Furious has said in the past, the Graphics & Arts section can be one of the best and one of the most helpful sections of forgehub.
Well its entirely populated by people who need stuff done and by people who are able to do it. Its kind of a winning combination ofr helpfullness
I used the vector magic site on the first duck that poped up on google images. Its easy to cheat those guy.Halfway through the thing they sho you a preview before you use a "token".Print page +ctrl v in paint and there ya go.