Bungie: Halo 3 Coming To Windows... Confirmed? This could possibly be the change that "effects multi-player dramatically" What if there were more advanced forge tools, and other things on the windows version! I am thinking you will be able to share content from your PC to your Xbox 360! Maybe even play with those using the PC version!
In my opinion, this game would suck. Being that it is on the PC and just about anyone who knows anything about a computer can basicaly hack/mod it and the online gameplay would be very bad. but i would like to see how they do forge. im sure they will include many things that arent on the xbox forge options
You mean console gamers? If they get a better forge, they will just be sacrificing fair online play, which I wouldn't mind for more forge options. My only hope is that you can transfer forge maps to console.
If Halo 3 were to be ported to the PC, they would most likely get a more advanced SDK which allows them to make mods and build maps from the ground up. I do see this as a possibility as the previous Halo games were also ported to the PC. They would probably really want to squeeze out as much money as they can make with the Halo trilogy.
Just a note: Both Halo PC, and Halo 2 are discontinued. They are no longer being produced. Why else would microsoft do this? Oh, right..Halo 3 will be appearing on PC (or H2 has ridiculous system requirements lol). I'm not against it, because to me Halo is still a xbox exclusive, but I'm just not a fan of PC FPS, especially ones with roots on console like halo. The game is designed for a gamepad, and throw in the ridiculous precision of a mouse and, oh there goes the fun, frantic halo we all know. Theres ups and downs, but dual analogs are much harder to be skilled at than a mouse and keyboard. On a side note: There'd be no PC->360 forge maps. If PC had an updated forge, than how would 360 be able to run them? Though I'm sure there would be some kind of super construction set tho. Plus, PC and 360 connected games don't work (shadowrun?)